
European Robotics League - Service Robots

Season 2017-2018

Major Tournament during RO-MAN 2017

Lisbon, Portugal

Date: 28-31 August 2017

The European Robotics League is an innovative concept for robot competitions which stems from its predecessor, the RoCKIn@Home competition, and focuses on tasks that service robots execute in a real home environment. The ERL is composed of multiple "Local tournaments", held in different research labs across Europe, with certified test beds, and a few competitions as part of "Major tournaments" such as RoboCup. Teams participate in a minimum of two tournaments (Local and/or Major) per year and get scores based on their performances. Scores of the best two participations in tournaments for each team are added and teams are ranked based on their cumulative score. Prizes for the top teams are awarded during the next year’s European Robotics Forum (ERF).

For more information, please visit https://eu-robotics.net/robotics_league/.

We are pleased to announce the second Major Tournament on the ERL Service Robots (ERL-SR) challenge, to be held between 28-31 August 2017 at the Institute for Systems and Robotics of IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal, simultaneously with the IEEE RO-MAN 2017 Conference.


Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR-Lisboa)

Instituto Superior Técnico, U, Lisboa

Contact person


 "This  project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 688441”