Traveling Minstrel

Sharing the teachings of A Course in Miracles through Music and Miracle Stories


My name is Erik Archbold. I'm originally from northern California, but I no longer have a permanent base. I go where I'm Called to be, traveling on faith to share music, love, and the teachings of Jesus in A Course in Miracles. The Course is a profound spiritual path that's all about practicing true forgiveness and following the guidance of Holy Spirit, and it has been my spiritual path since 2003.

In 2009, I was inspired by my friend and teacher David Hoffmeister to leave behind my career (as a hypnotherapist) and become a "traveling minstrel"; to go where Spirit guides me and share my experience of living the Course through my music and miracle stories. Since then, my life has felt like a continually mind-opening adventure for which I am so grateful! With no home, no job nor career and very few possessions, I simply travel where I feel Called, and place all trust in Spirit to provide the means. Through this practice of inner trust, following my heart, and true forgiveness, my experience has become one of increasing closeness with God, and with everyone I meet. Fear is dissolving, and only Love remains.

On this website, you can find recordings of past gatherings/concerts I've held, my studio album, videos, writings, and many other resources. Take the time to see where you feel Led, and above all else, know that you are unconditionally Loved. Your willingness to look honestly within yourself is ALL that the Holy Spirit is ever asking of you, for only this honesty will bring you peace. And you deserve to feel peace in every moment!

With love,


Connect with me on Facebook

Below you'll find some helpful links to my music, online sharings, and other helpful resources:

Thank you for visiting me here! We are all in the same boat, awakening from this dream together, and no one is "higher" or "lower" than another. I look forward to meeting you along the "journey that never was"!

With love,


Hear My Latest Talks/Concerts

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Events Calendar (click here for full size)