
Published Papers:

Herrnstadt, Evan, Ryan Kellogg, and Eric Lewis (2024). "Drilling Deadlines and Oil and Gas Development". Econometrica.

Previously circulated as: "The Economics of Time-Limited Development Options: The Case of Oil and Gas Leases." NBER working paper #27165. 

Brehm, Paul and Eric Lewis (2021) "Information Asymmetry, Trade, and Drilling: Evidence from an Oil Lease Lottery". with Paul Brehm. RAND Journal of Economics.

Online Appendix

Lewis, Eric (2019) "Patchwork Policies, Spillovers, and the Search for Oil and Gas". American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

Online Appendix

Chugh, Randy C., Nathan G. Goldstein, Eric K. Lewis, Jeffrey S. Lien, Deborah Minehart, and Nancy L. Rose (2016). "Economics at the Antitrust Division 2015–2016: Household Appliances, Oil Field Services, and Airport Slots."  Review of Industrial Organization.

Working Papers:

Lewis, Eric, Jiayang (Lyra) Wang, and Arvind Ravikumar. "Incentives and Information in Methane Leak Detection and Repair". Revise and Resubmit, JAERE.

Lewis, Eric and Randy Chugh. (2019) “Common Ownership and Airlines: Evaluating an Alternate Ownership Data Source.” Economic Analysis Group Discussion Paper, US DOJ Antitrust Division.

Work in Progress:

Klopack, Ben, Eric Lewis, and Fernando Luco. “The Effect of Hurricane Harvey on Local Businesses and Consumers.”  Supported by NSF award #2242349.

Agerton, Mark, Diógenes Cruz, and Eric Lewis. "Quantifying Commitment Failure in Oil and Gas Lease Auctions".

Covert, Thomas, Evan Herrnstadt, Ryan Kellogg, Eric Lewis, and Rich Sweeney. “Implications of Royalties and Primary Terms for U.S. Hydrocarbon Production and Prices.”

Lewis, Eric, and Joe Podwol. “Collusion, Complements, and Multimarket Contact.”

Agerton, Mark, and Eric Lewis. "Moral Hazard in Oil and Gas Lease Nominations."

Other Publications:

Lewis, Eric (2020). “How U.S. Patchwork Land Ownership and Regulation Affects Oil and Gas Drilling.” Takeaway Policy Brief for the Mosbacher Institute, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University.

Herrnstadt, Evan, Ryan Kellogg, and Eric Lewis. “The Economics of Time-Limited Development Options: The Case of Oil and Gas Leases.” Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago Research Highlight.