
How can you participate in the project?


We greatly appreciate your help in providing this resource to the extensive reading community. As your graded reader offerings evolve, please help us keep your information up-to-date. And if your EFL/ESL-focused readers are not included in our list, please contact us about listing your materials.


Many colleagues keep their own reader databases. If you have information on readers that are not included in our list--especially out-of-print series and titles--please consider sharing this information for inclusion in the list.

We also welcome volunteers who would like to help in building and maintaing the list.

Other languages

Several colleagues and publishers have expressed an interest in creating lists for graded readers in other languages. The ERF would be excited to host these lists and encourage extensive reading in other languages, but we need volunteers to help organize and maintain these lists. If you would like to participate, please get in touch.


Share your comments and suggestions to help us make the list even more useful.

Contact us at <>.

Submitting reader data

Please submit reader information in MS Excel or CSV format, as much as possible arranging data columns to match the arrangement in our current list(s). This will greatly simplify incorporating your data.