ERF List - Q&A

What is the ERF Graded Reader List?

This suite of lists is an ongoing project of the Extensive Reading Foundation and cooperating publishers of graded readers designed for the ELT market. It is a comprehensive, searchable, downloadable database of graded readers from around the world--providing useful information for educators and language learners. Beyond the basics (series, title, author, ISBNs, etc.) the list offers a wide variety of information, including...

    • Level information: publisher level, headwords, ERF level, Common European Framework (CEFR) Level and Yomiyasusa Level from the SSS Extensive Reading Study Group in Japan

    • Running word counts (total number of words in body text--excluding exercises, glossaries, etc.)

    • M-Reader availability: identifying which readers have corresponding quizzes at (formerly Moodle Reader Module).

  • Notes on genre and target audience

  • ERF Language Learner Literature Award winners and finalists

    • Information on publishing status (In print? Reassigned? Etc.)

In addition to current titles, out-of-print titles and series are included because these books remain in reader collections at many schools and are in regular use by many learners.

For reasons of practicality, each publisher-specific list and the Combined Reader List are focused on readers specifically produced for the ELT market. However, many educators include children's/juvenile L1 literature and series for "reluctant" readers in their collections, and you may find some of these in our supplemental lists.

Why was the ERF GR List created?

The List was developed for a variety of reasons, including the following:

    • to provide a central place online for language educators and learners to access useful, up-to-date information on EFL/ESL graded readers.

    • to bring publishers and educators together in a cooperative effort to better serve users and promote extensive/graded reading for language development.

    • to provide reader data in a downloadable form allowing educators to conveniently build (or add to) databases for the readers in their own collections.

How do I access the List?

Use the links on the ERF Graded Reader List-Access page to access publisher-specific lists, the Combined Reader List, or the supplemental lists. Each list can be viewed in your browser and/or downloaded for use with any spreadsheet software. After viewing a list, you may need to hit the "back" button twice to get back to the "ERF Graded Reader List - Access" page.

How can I use information from the List?

There are many potential uses of the data in the list, such as these:

  • Search the list for titles and genres of interest at appropriate levels.

  • Copy/download portions of the list to build your own reader database. Then sort and format the data in any way you like.

  • Use word counts and level information to track reading amounts and/or assign reading credit for each title.

  • Use data from the list when ordering readers. And let publishers know if the list has been useful! This will encourage them to continue participating.

Are there any restrictions on use of the List (copyright issues, etc.)?

The ERF GR List is for the free, non-commercial use of language educators and learners in support of their efforts involving extensive/graded reading. Download, copy, distribute and share the data in any way you find helpful, but the list and its data may not be sold or published for profit. Contact us at <> if you have any questions.

How can I share the List with others?

We hope you will introduce colleagues and students to the List. When possible, simply refer colleagues to the Extensive Reading Foundation website <> (Click on "Graded Readers"). This will ensure that they get the latest version of the List. If you're sharing a customized version, try to include the ERF GR List link (Row 1, Column A on each spreadsheet) to be sure people know what they are dealing with and where to go for up-to-date information.

What do I do if I find an error in the List?

The List is an ongoing work-in-progress. We are grateful for your help in spotting errors. Contact us at <> to submit corrections any time.

How else can I participate in the project?

See the Participate! page on this site.