EPPEC Facilities

Analytical Instruments

A Perkin-Elmer 8300 Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emissions Spetrometer (ICP-OES aka ICP-AES) is our main instrument for measuring element/calcium ratios in our carbonate samples. It is housed on campus in Cory Hall and is shared with Chesapeake Biological Laboratory's Nutrient Analytical Services Lab.

Sample Preparation Laboratory

The sample prep lab resides in the Mansuetti laboratory of the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory.

We have a computer-controlled microdrill for sub-sampling carbonate samples. This picture has a Diploria strigosa coral from the Virgin Islands mounted on the drilling platform.

A micro-balance enables us to weigh very small amounts of our sub-samples for geochemical analysis

The sample prep lab also contains everything needed for picking foraminifera from sediment samples. Including:

Sediment Sieves Sediment splitter, microscope and

microfauna picking tools

A shaker table

Field Equipment

Our hydraulic-powered drill in action. We use an off-the shelf Stanley tools underwater drill head and hydraulic power pack with custom bits and adapters from Wheeler Tech in Texas. When drilling out of the water, as in these pictures we cool the system with water from a garden sprayer.