EPPEC Pictures
Cutting a slab off of a coral from Rocas Atoll, Brazil with Dr. Ruy Kikuchi and his student in August 2013 at the Universidade Federal de Bahia in Salvador, Brazil.
The leaning tower of argon. Amazingly enough this was a particularly non-leaky tank.
Sean Pearson and Yuanyuan Xu learn some important lessons of working in the lab:
1) the glass torch in the ICP-OES is supposed to be straight and if it is not, that means something is wrong.
2) Don't put the box of coral cores you just cut out to dry behind a truck in the maintenance area or your beautiful slabs will look like this:
Smith College Geology Reunion May 2013. Mentors and colleagues of Dr. Hali Kilbourne. From left to right: Dr. Amy Rhodes, Dr. Al Curran, Dr. Bosilka Glumac
Presenting a poster of our Rocas Atoll work at the PAGES meeting in Goa, India, February
The young paleo contingent eating lunch at the 2010 AGU Meeting of the Americas in Iguazu, Brazil.