ZEPHYR Other dimensions and awareness - UPDATED July 2010


Exercises for eye convergence - Scrying - Active imagination - visual learning of concepts


The Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral

The Rosasce window at Chatres Cathedral

Labyrinths and mazes have often been confused. When most people hear of a labyrinth they think of a maze. A labyrinth is not a maze.

Labyrinths are different from mazes. Labyrinths are unicursal. They have one well-defined path that leads us into the center and back out again. There are no tricks to it, no dead ends or cul-de-sacs, no intersecting paths.

Labyrinths are linked to Mandalas - sanskrit for 'circle that contain the Essence'. Like mandalas, labyrinths are archetypal collective symbols that transcend all cultures because they are grounded in consciousness itself.

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. The Labyrinth represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools.

Labyrinths have also been linked with the teachings of the mystery schools that go back to ancient Egypt. As we know those teachings express themselves in many ways - the labyrinth being one of them.

A labyrinth is a right brain task. It involves intuition, creativity, and imagery. With a maze many choices must be made and an active mind is needed to solve the problem of finding the center. With a labyrinth there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not. A more passive, receptive mindset is needed. The choice is whether or not to walk a spiritual path.

This information was taken from: http://www.crystalinks.com/labyrinths2.html



The medicine wheel is an ancient way of creating a sacred space. IThe medicine wheel is built by placing a small object t in each direction around a circle. The circle can be as small as a hand or as large as the earth. The object can be a animal fetish, a feather, a sea shell or a special stone. It is always something deeply meaningful to you, something you have found or been given as a gift. In the process a centre is also created and another special object can be put there. Through this process you create a sacred space that becomes a mini vortex of power. It is used to create intention.. Balance is created by the equal presence of all four energies acting at once.

By creating the medicine wheel, you makes a physical manifestation of earth’s energies. It is a sacred altar which evokes the powers of the earth. Like an altar it brings your prayers in harmony with the energies of the earth. By actually making something real in physical space you act and create. The energy and prayer to heal is embodied and seen and can be touched.

A medicine wheel is simply a way of making sacred space more real and more visible. Ancient peoples believed that the medicine wheel in itself had great power and helped create change and healing. Medicine wheel are circles that were made all over the world. They come from the most ancient cultures and persist to the present. They were found throughout history in every culture.

Medicine wheels were always in sacred sites. The sites were often at the intersection of rivers, on mountain tops, in the centre of plains between mountain and rivers. People could get there via the rivers. The water ways lead you to them. They were often on the high places, a point to look at the distant landscape. In any case, the places were deeply sacred. You can feel the energy. They are in places that are the intersections of ley lines, energy lines, places where churches, and later sacred sites were built intuitively by more modern peoples.

Information taken from the following site: http://rainbow.spiralwave.co.uk/index.html

Crop circles

Crop Circles are linked to labyrinths.

All things are connected through the patterns of creational geometry.

Remember - all patterns repeat. They just manifest in different ways!


A maze is like a puzzle to be solved. It has twists, turns, and blind alleys. It is a left brain task that requires logical, sequential, analytical activity to find the correct path into the maze and out.

Mazes are multicursal. They offer a choice of paths, some with many entrances and exits. Dead ends and cul-de-sacs present riddles to be solved. Mazes challenge the choice-making part of ourselves.

Common features in most mazes are trick corners and blind alleys. Maze building is an old European occupation. The English branched out from constructing hedge mazes and also built some of turf. Puzzle fans are familiar with two-dimensional paper mazes. In all mazes, the object is to find your way through the elaborately twisted paths to reach a specific goal.

The Nazca lines

The Nasca Lines are one of humanity's mysteries. They are the most outstanding group of geoglyphs in the world.

Etched in the surface of the desert pampa sand about 300 hundred figures made of straight lines, geometric shapes and pictures of animals and birds - and their patterns are only clearly visible from the air. They were built by a people called the Nasca- but why and how they created these wonders of the world has defied explanation.

1.Killer Whale 2. Wing 3. Baby Condor 4. Bird 5. Animal 6. Spiral 7. Lizard 8. Tree 9. Hands 10. Spiral 11. Spider 12. Flower 13. Dog 14. Astronaut 15. Triangle 16. Whale 17. Trapazoids 18. Star 19. Pelican 20. Bird 21. Trapazoid 22. Hummingbird 23. Trapezoid 24. Monkey 25. Llama 26. Trapezoids

This information was obtained from: http://www.crystalinks.com/index.html

The Golden Mean Rectangle

If there is a pathway 'Out of the Box', then truly the Golden Mean Energy holds the key.