3.4 - Ascension, Decension, The Second Coming and the Time of Redemption

From a glossary - taken from http://www.paoweb.com

Ascension: Process whereby individual integrates physical body with spiritual (soul) and astral bodies, and which permits him to become fully conscious.

Light Worker: Enlightened Earth dweller who works with Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms to bring message of Ascension and new Age of Light to general public. Can be either an enlightened Earth soul (one who has been caught in karma cycle of many Earth lifetimes) or a star seed.

End Times: Prophesied time when present planetary civilization will end and new "golden age" will become reality. Many now believe that end of present millennium is so-called "end times"

UPDATED July 2010



Concept of the Bodhisatttva Vow (Buddhism) -

Pranidhana (Sanskrit) the bodhisattva vow which is the first step on the way of a bodhisattva. It includes the firm resolution to attain enlightenment oneself and to liberate all beings by leading them to nirvana. The vow is an expression of the "mind directed towards enlightenment".

The last of the Bodhisattvas is Maitreya who will descend on earth when the end of times is approaching, to lead all people to salvation.

A short prayer of the 14th Dalai Lama

For as long as space endures

And for as long as living beings remain

Until then may I too abide

To dispel the misery of the world


Many religions believe in the return of the Messiah but it is quite surprising how many are expecting Him to come and will he appear as they would wish Him to appear?

Information taken from the book 'MESSIAHS" by John Hogue


Nine Questions About 'Moshiach'

by Rabbi I. Rubin, Director of Chabad in Albany NY

1. Isn't the "Messiah" a Christian idea?

Moshiach originates in the Jewish Torah and Prophets. The concept was later borrowed and changed by others.

5. Who will be the Moshiach?

A human descendant of King David, committed to all the Torah, will gather all Jews to Israel, rebuild the Temple and bring universal peace.

8. Is now the time?

We certainly hope so. It can happen anytime, but the earlier the better. Events indicate that the time is ripe, and we should try to realize the potential.

Extracted from the Chabad Lubavitch in Cyberspace


A Brief History of Maitreya

by Venerable Lama Thubten Yeshe

From teachings given at Maitreya Institut, Holland

in September, 1981

Countless aeons ago, Maitreya, while making many offerings, took the bodhisattva vows from the Tathagata Great Power (Tub chen) in the presence of many other Buddhas. From that moment on, he has guided countless sentient beings along the path of the three higher trainings (discipline, concentration and wisdom) thereby leading them through the three vehicles (shravaka, pratyekabuddha and bodhisattva) to enlightenment.

Eventually the time will come for Maitreya to appear as the fifth universal Buddha of this world age and turn the wheel of dharma for the benefit of all.



by Brad Berg

According to ancient prophecy, this is the time of the great gathering called the "mastay", and reintegration of the peoples of the four directions. The Q'ero are releasing their teachings to the West, in preparation for the day the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South (the Americas) fly together again. They believe that "munay", love and compassion, will be the guiding force of this great gathering of the peoples.

"The Q'ero believe that the doorways between the worlds are opening again -- holes in time that we can step through and beyond, where we can explore our human capabilities. Regaining our luminous nature is a possibility today for all who dare to take the leap."

Extracted from: Share International magazine January/February 1997 on the Internet at: http://www.shareintl.org/


Ascended Master: Being of Light that has had past life or lives on Earth During Earth time, achieved full consciousness of highest level, merging spirit and body into Oneness that transcended all elements of Physical Creation. This Oneness created Angel-like Being that broke the strictures of karma and was able to serve as holy example for all humanity. Ascended Masters now serve on Holy Councils that assist humanity with its present Ascension process.


Maitreya (pronounced my-TRAY-uh) is the personal name of the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Who is known to esotericists as the World Teacher. Esotericists believe that He is the One expected by the world's major religions as the Christ, the Messiah, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi, and Maitreya Buddha. Principal spokesman Benjamin Creme and affiliated groups believe that the World Teacher returned to the everyday world in July 1977 and lives as an apparently ordinary man in the Asian community of London. From there He emerges, directing His transforming energies to every corner of the earth, and awaits, as the benevolent changes He inspires become realities, an invitation from humanity to enter into full public life

Extracted from: Share International magazine on the Internet at: http://www.shareintl.org/.

Comments on the MAITREYA

Extracted from Copyright 1996 The New York Times Company

As he tells it, the planet will soon hear from a figure called the World Teacher, whose personal name is Maitreya, chief among the Masters of Wisdom, themselves a handful of "perfected men" who serve as guardians of a divine plan for Earth.

Maitreya, Creme says, left his abode in the Himalaya Mountains in a "self-created" human body to travel to London on July 19,1977, where he has since lived in the South Asian immigrant community, preparing for a "Day of Declaration," in which he will reveal himself via global television and teach the building of a new civilization for the benefit of all.

There is the concept then which is the opposite of "up and leaving" the planet as in Ascension, but rather remaining behind on the planet, bringing spirituality into the material world wherever possible. It also implies that instead of separating the mundane from the esoteric, they should be brought together as one unifying whole. The concept obviously is for those who have done their Ascension training and then continually return to be of service. The return of the Masters, the return of the Maitreya, and the return of the Messiah, in which ever format, will then be welcomed by the Light workers who have been preparing the planet for the process.


Collins Pocket Dictionary - redeem

1. buy back

2. pay off (a loan or debt)

3 free from sin

4. reinstate (oneself) in someone's good opinion

5. make up for

Actually the action of Redemption would seem to have greater significance should those wanting to be redeemed, actually do something towards "buying back, paying off, freeing from sin, reinstating themselves in someone's good opinion and make up for" all the ill advised actions they have made. This would give the Redeemer a good idea that there was some repentance, or desire to change or a greater awakening of consciousness. Surely a much better way to greet a returning Messiah.