
I use all three major O/S's in my production and coding (Microsoft, Apple, and Linux). Really isn't a difference between them except the annoyance that Apple has complete control over their hardware and software with DRM to boot on both, so I'm reluctant to want to program for that platform. I can program in C language, Max/MSP and Puredata. I am currently learning Python and Javascript, with intentions to transfer that towards gen~ and some of the javascript options available in Max.

My own (not available for download):

Gen~esis <- Max/MSP patch. Simulates lifeforms and creates generative audio models of their physical forms. Very buggy software at the moment (no pun intended)

Northern Flicker <- Max/MSP patch. Minimal graphic clone of illformed dblue glitch with grid based, recursive, and non-linear sequencing options via jit.matrix and extensive use of coll and route objects. My first major project. Used the same patch/math expression throughout all the songs on the album sharing the same name.

Lots of one-off MIDI mapping and generating applications that did some neat recursive output.


Cool Edit Pro 2.1 <- I've been using this over 20 years and it is still the best wav editor I have ever used. I edit most of my percussions and make a lot of my pads and effects with this program. This is my bread and butter software and each of my tracks goes through at least one pass through this software. It's not that hard to find the full version on the internet, but it isn't easy either. Email me if you need help getting access to it.

Max/Msp <- Object Oriented Programming Language DAW. Useful for creating synthesizers, sequencers, drum machines, effects, etc... Puredata is the open-source equivalent. I use this for making interfaces for my hardware, making weird algorithms that make changes to sequences over time, recursive delay effects, midi data and also for granular synthesis and effects. Mostly record via outboard if my CPU can allow it. Otherwise, its sfrecord~ and read/write coll *.txt all the way.

Renoise/Redux <- Music Tracker with VST support. Very good sample manipulator and music composition tool. OpenMPT is the open-source equivalent for Windows, Shaketracker for Linux. Radium is a very powerful Linux tracker that rivals Renoise and, if you download the source code, is free. My actual song and pattern creation is done in this program. Only problem I have with it is that the development team is very conservative and won't put much needed features in it (like a piano roll, or a visual fill option for note on/off on the grid.)

REAPER <- Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) Multi-tracker. Very good mixing and organization capabilities. With the right addons, it can rival Ableton Live. REAPER is Freenium (purchase to remove the starting nag screen). Ardour is the open-source equivalent. I use this for recording from my hardware mixer and for album creation. I dislike that you don't have destructive elements in the wave editing like you do in Cool Edit Pro, but it arguably has a much better multi-tracker and UI options.

Audacity <- Good wave editor. Can be configured for internal use in REAPER, since REAPER does not have a dedicated wave or sample editor. Free and open-source.

Ableton Live <- Lite Version. Haven't used it much.

VSCO 2 - Community Edition <- For those of us who can't afford EastWest QuantumLeap's orchestra series, this is the next best thing. Aside from a few looped samples and inability to legato, this plug-in contains a great set of chamber instruments to use in your compositions. Advanced Native Instrument Kontakt versions available for purchase. Free and partially open-source.

Sunvox <- Free tracker with modular capabilities. Very powerful but lacks VST support. I use this on my mobile devices and linux machines. Very good for jamming and live shows.

    • Blok Modular <- Sunvox without the tracker sequencer, and more powerful module options. This is what I use on my windows machine if I want to build something in a higher level than Max/PD.

Microsoft Visual Studio Code <- IDE for low level coding (C, Python, Javascript, etc...) Vim or Code::Blocks are open-source equivalents.

Ubuntu Studio <- Low-latency Linux Distro that contains everything for development and production. It's not the best distro, but for music production it it is the only one I can recommend. KVStudio is too bloated and AVLinux is more for offline/no internet. If you don't understand linux and want to do music, get this. Ubuntu LTS is also fine, but you have to set up low latency audio manually and install the corresponding software yourself.

I have REAKTOR 5/6 as well but I don't use it; the data flow and UI is not conductive to the way I want to work.

I use some other VST's too that I got from as well that are pretty good. Just a word of caution: keep backups of anything you buy from them! Key and all.