
I am a big proponent of free education. Here are all of the tools you need to educate yourself to become proficient at the theory and application of electronic music programming. Grab a binder or five, some pencils, and a *lot* of paper. It'll probably take you a year to get through everything, back to front.

Entorwellian's Educational Wiki

This is where I upload my keywords and summaries from my notes for an online reference. Updated bi-weekly.

Learning Materials: <- Free High School Education (can be accredited if you live in BC for some of these.) <- Learn mathematics from pre-algebra onward.

    • <- There is no shame in starting from the beginning if you have problems in algebra. I have respect for people who are diligent in wanting to take the time to learn, regardless of level. This website should provide enough information. Khan Academy is a second option, but you should have a textbook to accompany his lecture-focused approach.
    • If you want offline textbooks for any math topics, email me for information and/or links to open source materials. <- The best introduction to programming and generalizes to Max/Msp. Also learn some C and Javascript as a side bonus.

Music Theory for Computer Musicians by Michael Hewitt <- Basic music theory to learn how to construct basic chords, melodies and rhythms and grow from there.

C Programming:

C Programming Tutorial - Full Version


Demystifying Max <- Absolute beginners tutorial. Do this before the tutorials.

Electronic Music and Sound Design Vol 1. and 2. <- Max/Msp tutorial series for sound and music. Geared towards a beginner. Max 7's tutorial is pretty good, but these series of books are still superior towards people who have never programmed before.


Loadbang <- Pragmatic Puredata tutorial. Once you've done this tutorial, you will have your very own code library to start using. It skimps over a lot of the theory and math. <- More resources

How to study:

Cornell Method Of Note Taking <- How to take notes effectively

How To Absorb Textbooks Like A Sponge <- How to read and study from textbooks effectively.

Self Studying <- Tips on Self Studying