
Contract signed, the first draft is ready ! 

Modal Sentences, with Anastasia Giannakiou.  Cambridge University Press (expected end 2024). 

New manuscripts

The Human and the Mechanical: logos, truthfulness, and ChatGPT (with Anastasia Giannakidou), under submission. (also presented at: AIAI, Göttingen May 16-17.)

Scope ambiguities in future questions: reflection and queclamative with Italian MICA. Submitted to the Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung 28. 

Books as author

Book and special issue as editor

Reviewed Papers

Selection of Papers in  Major Conferences Proceedings

Selection of Conferences with selection committee (please contact me for the slides)

Keynote speaker

Worshops and colloquia upon invitation  .... (selection


HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Sept. 2011)