
Or access my publications via ResearchGate. Or follow me on Twitter @EnricFrago


D. Sanders, E. Frago (in press). Ecosystem engineers shape ecological network structure and stability: a framework and literature review. Functional Ecology.

M. Mazón, S. Bordera, A. Rodríguez-Berrío, E. Frago (in press) The relative influence of agricultural abandonment and semi-natural habitats on parasitoid diversity and community composition. PloS ONE.

E. Maritan, A. Quagliariello1, E. Frago, T. Patarnello, M.E. Martino (2024) The role of animal hosts in shaping gut microbiome variation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (Review). 


Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - HDR (2023) A multitrophic approach to the dynamics of insect herbivores: Experiments with plants, predators and insect symbionts. Université de Montpellier, Ecole doctorale GAIA. PDF.

The Herbivory Variability Network (in press) Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science.

E Frago, SE Zytynska (2023) Impact of herbivore symbionts on parasitoid foraging behaviour. Current Opinion in Insect Science (Review). PDF 


E. Frago, R. Gols, R. Schweiger, C. Müller, M. Dicke, H. C. J. Godfray (2022) Herbivore‐induced plant volatiles, not natural enemies, mediate a positive indirect interaction between insect herbivores. Oecologia. PDF


B. Facon, A. Hafsi, M. Charlery de la Masselière, S. Robin, F. Massol, M. Dubart, J. Chiquet, E. Frago, F. Chiroleu, P.F. Duyck, V. Ravigné (2021) Joint species distributions reveal the combined effects of host plants, abiotic factors and species competition as drivers of species abundances in fruit flies. Ecology Letters. PDF

R Kehoe, E Frago, D Sanders (2021) Cascading extinctions as a hidden driver of insect decline. Ecological Entomology (Review). PDF

SE. Zytynska, K. Tighiouart, E. Frago (2021) Benefits and costs of hosting secondary endosymbionts in sap-sucking insects: A meta-analysis. Molecular Ecology. PDF

D. Sanders, E Frago, R Kehoe, C Patterson, KJ Gaston (2020)  Pervasive biological impacts of artificial light at night. Nature Ecology and Evolution. PDF 


NT Dianzinga, M-L Moutoussamy, J Sadeyen, LHR Ravaomanarivo, E Frago (2020) The interacting effect of habitat amount, habitat diversity and fragmentation on insect diversity along elevational gradients. Journal of Biogeography. PDF. On the cover! See associated blog post here

E Frago, SE Zytynska, NE Fatouros (2020) Microbial symbionts of herbivorous species across the insect tree. In: Mechanisms underlying microbial symbiosis (Ed. JA Russell, KM Oliver), Academic Press (Review). PDF

R. Marrao, E Frago, J.A. Pereira, A. Tena (2020) An autoparasitoid wasp, inferior at resource exploitation, outcompetes primary parasitoids by using competitor females to produce males. Ecological Entomology. PDF

A. Goldarazena, M. Matsumoto, T. Ranarilalatiana, N.T. Dianzinga, E. Frago, B. Michel (2020) Dendrothripoides moundi (Thysanoptera, Thripidae), a new species from Madagascar. Zootaxa. PDF

A Goldarazena, NT Dianzinga, E Frago, B Michel, P Reynaud (2020) A new species of the genus Thrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from Malagazy region. Zootaxa. PDF 


E. Frago, H.-L. Wang, G.P. Svensson, J.F. Marques, J.A. Hódar, G. H. Boettner, C. Ciornei, L. Dormont, J. S. Elkinton, M. Franzén, A. Khrimian, L. Marianelli, L. Marziali, H. Mas, E. Perez Laorga, J. Pérez-López, A. Roques, V. Simonca and O. Anderbrant (2019) Common pheromone use among host-associated populations of the browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, displaying different adult phenologies. Entomologia Generalis. PDF

A Mennerat, E Frago (2019) The response of interacting species to biotic seasonal cues. Peer Community in Ecology. PDF

LS. Monticelli, Y. Outreman, E. Frago, N. Desneux (2019) Impact of host endosymbionts on parasitoid host range–From mechanisms to communities. Current Opinion in Insect Science (Review). PDF


JC. Streito, O. Fontaine, M. Atiama, G. Genson, E. Pierre, J. Sadeyen, E. Frago (2018) Présence sur l'île de La Réunion de deux espèces de Punaises prédatrices potentiellement utilisables pour la lutte biologique: Orius naivashae et Cyrtopeltis callosus. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. PDF

LR. Paniagua Voirol, E. Frago, M. Kaltenpoth, M. Hilker, NE. Fatouros (2018) Bacterial symbionts in Lepidoptera: their diversity, transmission, and impact on the host. Frontiers in Microbiology (Review). PDF


E. Frago, M. Mala, B.T. Weldegergis, C. Yang, A. McLean, H.C.J. Godfray, R. Gols, M. Dicke (2017) Symbionts protect aphids from parasitic wasps by attenuating herbivore-induced plant volatiles.  Nature Communications. PDF. Press release by Wageningen University.

S.J.J. Schreven, E. Frago, A. Stens, P.W. de Jong & J.J.A. van Loon (2017) Contrasting effects of heat pulses on different trophic levels, an experiment with a herbivore-parasitoid model system. PLoS ONE. PDF

N.H. Davila Olivas, E. Frago, M.P.M. Thoen, K.J. Kloth, F.F.M. Becker, J.J.A. van Loon, G. Gort, J.J.B. Keurentjes, J.van Heerwaarden, M. Dicke (2017) Natural variation in life‐history strategy of Arabidopsis thaliana determines stress responses to drought and insects of different feeding guilds. Molecular Ecology. PDF

L. Fontana-Bria, J. Selfa, C. Tur & E. Frago (2017) Early exposure to predation risk carries over metamorphosis in two distantly related freshwater insects. Ecological Entomology. PDF. Editor's choice!

E. Frago, B. Facon (2017) New partner at the core of macrolichen diversity. Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology. PDF


D. Sanders, R. Kehoe, F.J.F. Van Veen, A. McLean, H.C.J. Godfray, M. Dicke, R. Gols, E. Frago (2016) Defensive insect symbiont leads to cascading extinctions and community collapse. Ecology Letters. PDF

R. Kehoe, E. Frago, C.D. Barten, F. Jecker, F.J.F. van Veen, D. Sanders (2016) The impact of non-host diversity and density on the strength of parasitoid-host interactions. Ecology and Evolution. PDF

A. Pekas, A. Tena, J.A. Harvey, F. Garcia-Marí & E. Frago (2016) Host size and spatiotemporal patterns mediate the coexistence of specialist parasitoids. Ecology. PDF

E. Frago (2016) Interactions between parasitoids and higher order natural enemies: intraguild predation and hyperparasitoids. Current Opinion in Insect Science (Review). PDF


N.E. Fatouros, L.R. Paniagua Voirol, F. Drizou, Q.T. Doan, A. Pineda, E. Frago & J.J.A. van Loon (2015) Role of male-derived compounds in elicitation of direct and indirect egg-killing defenses in the black mustard plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. PDF

F.G. Pashalidou, E. Frago, E. Griese, E.H. Poelman, J.J.A. van Loon, M. Dicke & N.E. Fatouros (2015) Early herbivore alert matters: plant-mediated effects of egg deposition on higher trophic levels benefit plant fitness. Ecology Letters. PDF. Press release by Wageningen University.


J. Lazebnik, E. Frago, M. Dicke & J.J.A. van Loon (2014) Phytohormone mediation of interactions between herbivores and plant pathogens. Journal of Chemical Ecology (Review). PDF

J.F. Marques, H. Wang, G.P. Svensson, E. Frago & O. Anderbrant (2014) Genetic divergence and evidence for sympatric host-races in the highly polyphagous Brown tail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Lepidoptera: Erebidae). Ecology and Evolution. PDF

E. de la Peña, V. Vandomme & E. Frago (2014) Facultative endosymbionts of aphid populations from coastal dunes of the North Sea. Belgian Journal of Zoology. PDF

E. Frago & H.C.J. Godfray (2014) Avoidance of intraguild predation leads to a long-term positive trait-mediated indirect effect in an insect community. Oecologia. PDF

E. Frago & É. Bauce (2014) Life-history consequences of chronic nutritional stress in an outbreaking insect defoliator. PLoS ONE. PDF


D. Giron, E. Frago, G. Glevarec, C. Pieterse & M. Dicke (2013) Cytokinins as key regulators in plant-microbe-insect interactions: connecting plant growth and defence. Functional Ecology (Review) (Special Issue: Plant-Microbe- Insect interactions). PDF

E. Frago, M. Dicke & H.C.J. Godfray (2012) Insect symbionts as hidden players in insect-plant interactions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Review). PDF

E. Frago, J. Pujade-Villar, M. Guara & J. Selfa (2012) Hyperparasitism and seasonal patterns of parasitism as potential causes of low top-down control in Euproctis chrysorrhoea. Biological Control. PDF

E. Frago. 2012. Host plant specialization in the browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, when feeding on the evergreen host Arbutus unedo. Annales de l’INRGREF. PDF


E. Frago, J. Pujade-Villar, M. Guara & J. Selfa (2011) Providing insights into browntail moth local outbreaks by combining life table data and semi-parametric statistics. Ecological Entomology. PDF

E. Frago, M. Guara, J. Pujade-Villar & J. Selfa (2010) Winter feeding leads to a shifted phenology in the browntail moth Euproctis chrysorrhoea on the evergreen strawberry tree Arbutus unedo. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. PDF

E. Frago, J. Selfa, J. Pujade-Villar, M. Guara & É. Bauce (2009) Age and size thresholds for pupation and developmental polymorphism in the browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea under conditions that either emulate diapause or prevent it. Journal of Insect Physiology. PDF