EnemyCocktail project

EnemyCocktail: Designing natural enemy cocktails for a better biocontrol

--- This project is coordiated by Enric Frago  at CBGP (Centre for Biology and Management of Populations) in Montpellier and funded by the PRCE program of the French Research Agency (ANR). It is a collaborative project with Marie-Stéphane Tixier (CBGP - Montpellier SupAgro), Denise Navia (CBGP INRAE), Anne Xuéreb (CBGP INRAE), Vasilis Dakos (ISEM CNRS), Azélie Lelong (Biobest France), Tolis Pekas (Biobest Belgium) and Dirk Sanders (Umiversity of Exeter, UK). 

--- We aim at using natural enemy combinations to find the best cocktails to control aphids and spider-mites. Best cocktails imply better pest suppression, but also long-term stability. 

--- We will perform experiments in the laboratory and build theoretical models to find best cocktails that we will validate in the field through mass releases in commercial greenhouses.

Follow us on X @EnemyCocktail to stay tuned

More information about this project and the different work packages here.