
working papers 

AI-powerd chatbots: AI-powered Chatbots: Effective Communication Styles for Sustainable Development Goals (with L. Boncinelli,  E. Vicario) update: 2024

What leads to vaccine compliance? Evidence from healthcare workers in Italy (with Demichelis A., Marini M., Menicagli D., Mancini G., Bilancini E., Panizza F., Bellandi T., Boncinelli L., Galletti G., Caldesi R., Cevolani G.) update: 2024

Evolution of conventions in uncertain environments (with J.F. Blazquiz-Pulido, L. Boncinelli) update: 2022

Manipulating cognition in the one-shot stag-hunt game played online (with L. Boncinelli, R. Di Paolo) update: 2021

Symbolic incentives can affect the frequency of blood and plasma donations: evidence from 12 years of donors' behavior and donation awards (with L. Boncinelli, R. Di Paolo, D. Menicagli, E. Ricciardi, F. Serti) update: 2021

The effect of time pressure and motivated delay on cooperation and social norms in the online one-shot public goods game  (with L. Boncinelli, V. Capraro and T. Celadin) update: 2020

Prolonged impulse control prompts sleep-like brain activity and aggressivity (with E. Ordali, P. Marcos-Prieto,  G. Avvenuti, E. Ricciardi, L. Boncinelli, P. Pietrini, G. Bernardi) [supplementary material] [extra data] R&R PNAS

Does homophily impede human capital investments? (with L. Boncinelli, R. Rozzi) R&R journal of economic theory

The structure of interaction and modes of reasoning can shape the evolution of conventions (with L. Boncinelli, S. Zucchiatti) R&R  international journal of game theory

Strategy assortativity and the evolution of parochialism (with L. Boncinelli, A. Tampieri) R&R journal of economic behavior & organization

Does focality depend on the mode of cognition? experimental evidence on pure coordination games (with L. Boncinelli and L. Luini) under revision

Small noise in signaling selects pooling on minimum signal (with L. Boncinelli) under revision

Social participation and hours worked (with S. Bartolini) under revision

research papers in journals

Manipulating response times in the cognitive reflection test [supplementary information] (with L. Boncinelli, T. Celadin) forthcoming journal of behavioral and experimental economics

Memory retrieval in the demand game with a few possible splits: unfair conventions emerge in fair settings (with L. Boncinelli, E. Vicario) journal of economics dynamics & control 2024

The impact of generative artificial intelligence on socioeconomic inequalities and policy making (with V. Capraro et al.) PNAS nexus 2024

Coevolution of cognition and cooperation in structured populations under reinforcement learning (with L. Boncinelli, R. Mastrandrea) chaos, solitons & fractals 2024

I want to be safe: Understanding the main drivers behind vaccination choice throughout the pandemic (M. Marini, A. Demichelis, D. Menicagli, G. Mancini, F. Panizza, G. Cevolani) BMC public health 2024

Who's the deceiver? identifying deceptive intentions in communications (with J.F. Blazquiz-Pulido, L. Polonio) [supplementary information] games and economic behavior 2024

Conflict Initiation function shapes the evolution of persistent outcomes in group conflict (with L. Boncinelli, P. Marcos-Prieto) european economic review 2024

Cooperation is unaffected by the threat of severe adverse events in large public goods games (with L. Boncinelli, C. Nardi, V. Pizziol) journal of behavioral and experimental economics 2024

Motivating risky choices increases risk taking (with L. Boncinelli and L. Spadoni) [Supplementary Information] journal of neuroscience, psychology and economics 2023

Delaying and motivating decisions in the (bully) dictator game (with L. Boncinelli, P. Guarnieri, L. Spadoni) journal of behavioral and experimental economics 2023

Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries (led by F. Azevedo e al.;  a many lab research dataset) scientific data 2023

Game-based education promotes sustainable water use (with L. Boncinelli and R. Di Paolo) [supplementary information] ecological economics 2023

Assortativity in cognition (with L. Boncinelli, E. Vicario) scientific reports 2023

Prosocial behavior in emergencies: evidence from blood donors recruitment and retention during the COVID-19 pandemic (with L. Boncinelli, R. Di Paolo, D. Menicagli, V. Pizziol, E. Ricciardi, F. Serti) social science and medicine 2022

Memory retrieval and harshness of conflict in the hawk-dove game (with L. Boncinelli, S. Ille, E. Vicario) economic theory bulletin 2022

Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning (led by T. Pavlovic , F Azevedo et al. ; a many lab study) PNAS nexus 2022

Social value orientation and conditional cooperation in the online one-shot public goods game (with L. Boncinelli and T. Celadin) journal of economic behavior & organization 2022

The evolution of conventions in the presence of social competition (with L. Boncinelli) games and economic behavior 2022

Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample (led by B. Bago et al.; a many lab study) nature human behavior 2022

National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (led by Van Bavel et al.; a many lab study) nature communications 2022

Pairwise interact-and-imitate dynamics (with L. Boncinelli and N. Campigotto) scientific reports 2021

When market unravelling fails and mandatory disclosure backfires: persuasion games with labelling and costly information acquisition (with L. Boncinelli) journal of economics & management strategy 2021

What noise matters? experimental evidence for stochastic deviations in social norms (with L. Boncinelli and H. Nax) journal of behavioral and experimental economics 2021 [WP]

When today's rewards are tomorrow's endowments: the effects of inequality on social competition (with L. Boncinelli) european economic review 2020 [WP]

Evolution and rawlsian social choice in matching (with L. Boncinelli and J. Newton)  games and economic behavior 2020 [WP] 

The effect of norm-based messages on reading and understanding COVID-19 pandemic response governmental rules (with L. Boncinelli, V. Capraro, T. Celadin and R. Di Paolo) journal of behavioral economics for policy 2020

"Do the right thing for whom"? An experiment on ingroup favoritism, group assorting and moral suasion (with L. Boncinelli, C. Capraro, T. Celadin and R. Di Paolo) judgment and decision making 2020

The evolution of conventions under condition-dependent mistakes (with L. Boncinelli) economic theory 2020 [WP]

Intuition and deliberation in the stag hunt game (with M. Belloc, L. Boncinelli and S. D'Alessandro) scientific reports 2019 [Supplementary Information] [old and longer wp]

Assessing actual strategic behavior to construct a measure of strategic ability (with L. Boncinelli and A. Mattiassi) frontiers in psychology 2019

Signaling to analogical reasoners who can acquire costly information  (with L. Boncinelli) games and economic behavior 2018 [WP]

Rational attitude change by reference cues when information elaboration requires effort  (with L. Boncinelli)  journal of economic psychology 2018 [WP]

The interplay of cultural intolerance and action-assortativity for the emergence of cooperation and homophily (with L. Boncinelli and J. Wu)  european economic review 2018 [WP]

Signaling with costly acquisition of signals (with L. Boncinelli)  journal of economic behavior & organization 2018 [WP]

Social coordination with locally observable types (with L. Boncinelli) economic theory 2018 [WP] 

Dynamic adverse selection and the supply size (with L. Boncinelli) european economic review 2016 [WP] [old WP - strategic version]

Strict nash equilibria in non-atomic games with strict single crossing in players (or types) and actions (with L. Boncinelli) economic theory bulletin 2016 [WP]

Instrumental cardinal concerns for social status in two-sided matching with non-transferable utility (with L. Boncinelli) european economic review 2014 [WP]

Disclosure of information in matching markets with non-transferable utility (with L. Boncinelli) games and economic behavior 2013 [WP]

Predicting the trend of well-being in germany:how much do comparisons, adaptation and sociability matter? (with S. Bartolini and F. Sarracino) social indicators research, 2013 [longer WP]

Did the decline in social connections depress american happiness? (with S. Bartolini and M. Pugno) social indicators research, 2013 

Redistribution and the notion of social status (with L. Boncinelli) journal of public economics 2012 

The desirability of pay-as-you-go when relative consumption matters and returns are stochastic  (with M. D'Antoni) economics letters 2012 [longer WP]

Long run welfare under externalities in consumption, leisure, and production: a case for happy de-growth vs. unhappy growth (with S. D'Alessandro) ecological economics 2012

Agricultural institutions, industrialization and growth: the case of new zealand and uruguay in 1870-1940 (with J. Alvarez, S. D’Alessandro and G. Porcile) explorations in economic history 2011

On the rationalizability of observed consumers' choices when preferences depend on budget sets and (potentially) on anything else journal of economics  2011

Single-valuedness of the demand correspondence and strict convexity of preferences: an equivalence result (with L. Boncinelli) economics letters 2010

Preferences and normal goods: an-easy-to-check necessary and sufficient condition (with L. Boncinelli) economics letters 2010

The co-evolution of cooperation and defection under local interaction and endogenous network formation (with L. Boncinelli) journal of economic behavior & organization 2009

Ordinal vs cardinal status: two examples (with L. Boncinelli) economics letters 2008 

Functional distribution, land ownership and industrial takeoff: the role of effective demand (with S. D’Alessandro) b.e. journal of economic analysis & policy (contributions) 2008 

Imprimitivity in decomposable economies economics bullettin 2008

proceedings, reviews, comments and invited papers

The Language of Life: A Game-Based Workshop for Introducing Protein Biosynthesis (with F. Chiarello, D. Fioretti, T. Antognozzi, F. Romana Bertani, M. Bisanti, L. Boncinelli, L. Businaro, R. Di Paolo, A. Gerardino, S. Iurescia) proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning 17 (1) 2023

Digital Escape Games in Educational Programs for Financial Literacy (with M. Bisanti, R. Di Paolo, V. Pizziol, S. Accardi, F. Maggi, G. Paladino, E. Ricciardi) proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning 16 (1) 2022

New frontiers in gaming (Edited by Matteo Bisanti) 

Wage inequality, labor income taxes, and the notion of social status (with L. Boncinelli)  Economics e-Journal 2019, [SI on "The Economics of Social Status"]

Is unpaid work conducive of well-being? the case of within household unpaid work in the modena district (with T. Addabbo) international journal of happiness and development 2015 [SI on "Trust and Gratuitousness in Economics"]

Game theory in game design, eds M.Bertolo and I.Mariani, capitolo 7, 2014

If not GDP, what else? using relational goods to predict the trends of subjective well-being (with S. Bartolini) international review of economics, 2010, [Special issue on "Happiness and Relational Goods: Well-Being and Interpersonal Relations in the Economic Sphere", eds. B. Gui and L. Stanca]

A comment on gintis's "the dynamics of general equilibrium" [Gintis' paper, EJ2007] (with F. Petri) economics bullettin, 2008 [addendum]

Rivelazione delle preferenze, determinanti sociali dell'utilità e rilevanza dei dati soggettivi studi e note di economia, XII, 2, 2007

research papers in contributed books and edited books

Ergonomics and nudging for health, safety and happiness eds. T. Bellandi, S. Albolino, E. Bilancini, Springer, 2023

Ergonomics and nudging (with T. Bellandi and S. Albolino) Ch.1 in ergonomics and nudging for health, safety and happiness eds. T. Bellandi, S. Albolino, E. Bilancini, Springer, 2023

Policies for happiness eds S. Bartolini, E. Bilancini, L. Bruni, P. Porta, Oxford University Press, 2016

Social capital predicts happiness: world-wide evidence from time series (with S. Bartolini and F. Sarracino) Ch.8 in policies for happiness eds S. Bartolini, E. Bilancini, L. Bruni, P. Porta, Oxford University Press, 2016 

Distribution of agricultural surplus and industrial takeoff (with S. D’Alessandro) in geography, structural change, and economic development: theory and empirics, eds P.Commendatore, N. Salvadori and M. Tamberi, Edgar Elgar, 2009 [Book TOC]

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