English Foxhound Breeders

The following have active breeding programs for show, performance and companion hounds:

Toni Koeber - Monocacy Foxhounds

Location: Central Maryland

Tel: 301-349-4990

Email: toni.realtor@usa.net

Bart and Michelle Hetrick - Bleumoon Foxhounds (and Cocker Spaniels)

Location: S.E. Pennsylvania

Tel: 610-416-7209

Email: BartHetrick@gmail.com

Kevin Shapiro - Jackpot & Kingsbury Hounds (Foxhounds, Beagles and Harriers)

Location: Central Georgia

Tel: 770-513-3243

Email: Kevin_Shupenia@msn.com

For information, updates and modification to this list please contact:

toni.realtor@usa.net - (Secretary), or BartHetrick@gmail.com - (Pres.)