
When: 7:15 am

Where: K202


1. Interim Testing Schedule

Junior: Oct 19, Nov 13, Jan 8

Soph: Dec 12

Frosh: Feb 28

2. Common Assessment

Fall: Oct 17 for grading

9 & 10 Prompt -

Prompt 2: What are games and how may they affect people in their everyday lives? Support your claim using at least three pieces of evidence from the video.


11 & 12 Prompt -

What Adults Can Learn From Kids


What is the author’s main message? Identify and explain at least one rhetorical strategy (such as mood, tone, or point of view) the speaker uses to achieve her message.

Ref. last Spring's prompt; last Fall

3. Grade Level Achievement Teams

= 4 cycles per grade level

Junior -

Soph -

Frosh -

4. Turn-It-In.com - Sam -

$1800 - Application for English Dept from Rotary


Nov 13 - Eng Dept pull out

Dept Goal for the CAASPP 87% from our current 84%