For MIT Climate CoLab: Seeking Thumbs Up mouse click for MIT Global Warming proposal

Seeking “Thumbs Up” mouse click for MIT Global Warming proposal

Recently the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Center for Collective Intelligence created Climate CoLab to “work with people from all over the world to create proposals for what to do about climate change”. The proposals are grouped & run as Contests organized by vertical market (Industry, Transportation, Global Plan, etc) sector. Contest winners are offered a “Presentation to potential a conference at MIT…[previous winners have even]…presented at the United Nations in New York…and the United States Congress in Washington, D.C. (blog)”.

I submitted a proposal recommending the best CO2 problem solving technology I've seen to date. The tech was originally worked out by an 8th Grade 12 year old girl, Claire Lackner, for a science fair project, to extract CO2 directly from the air, as suggested by her father, Columbia University Geophysicist Dr. Klaus Lackner. The result changed his life, he since dedicating himself to scaling the tech to industrial levels, mimicking tree’s CO2 extraction methods but 1000 times more efficiently, his largest trees capable of pulling 90 Kilotons of CO2 yearly, resulting in an artificial tree forest being able to remove all CO2 added to the air since the Industrial Revolution in any desired timeframe – 30 years, 10 years or less, depending solely of the size of the forest. The proposal I turned in focuses on fully supporting & optimally promoting Dr. Lacker’s technology to effectively take out the CO2 threat. The proposal includes links to compact summaries of the roster of CO2 effects occurring & their overall impact on the planet. The proposal is at the top of the list in the MIT Climate CoLab Contest Global Plan, the proposal page titled End Global Warming & Climate Change Now.

What I’m seeking is support for the proposal by people clicking it a “Thumbs Up”. The “Thumbs Up” count can have a strong influence on the proposal’s winning the contest, because MIT judges vote the proposals through Semi-Final then Final rounds, after which, typically around November, MIT opens the voting to the general public. Naturally, if the proposal makes the finals, I’ll need to email you a final note like this titled “Seeking ‘VOTE for proposal’ mouse click for MIT Global Warming solution”.

Lastly, as the hour is getting late, the number of solution “things-to-try” overwhelming, & the time to turn things around diminishing on the CO2 issue, I ask of you one last thing: help vastly increase the power of this campaign, with its focus on a single, directly effective technology, by forwarding this note to as many folks as you can & ask them do same – with the groundswell this could produce, we may be able to help raise Professor Lackner & his daughter Claire’s inspired technology high onto the radar of “potential implementers”, with luck maybe even front & center at Congress & the United Nations.


● Claire Lackner’s science fair project video: Capturing Carbon

● Klaus Lackner: Profile, (PNAS) paper

● End Climate Change Now: The Coming “Perfect Storm” of Natural Disasters

Action Items: If you support the proposal, Please …

● Click it a “Thumbs Up

● Forward to as many folks as you can the note that sent you here (email, share post, etc)

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,


Clifford J. Thompson

Appropriate Technology Engineer

End Climate Change Now

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