
There are three tiers of membership, with:

You can join more than than one association in the middle tier, and more than one unit.  For example, you can be a member of EAP and the state association for where you live.  If you are a member of more than one middle tier association, or of more than one unit, you notify NAP which is your Primary Association and your Primary Unit.  You pay your middle tier primary association dues to NAP when paying your NAP dues, and then NAP sends the association dues back to the association.  You pay dues for a non-primary association directly to the association.

Members of the eNAP Unit must become members of EAP even if they are already a member of another middle tier association.

• To join NAP, see: https://www.parliamentarians.org/membership#apply 

• To join EAP, see: https://eparliamentarians.org/join/#join

• To join the eNAP Unit, see: Join eNAP today!

There are three types (levels) of NAP membership

• The regular member (pass the membership test and pay the dues);

Regular members can become Registered Parliamentarians (RP);

RPs can become Professional Registered Parliamentarians (PRP).

For information on...

Middle tier associations (as distinguished from the national association at the top tier, NAP) and units may have "provisional members" who are not yet NAP members but are studying to become NAP members.

Learn more about the eNAP Unit: