Embrace ELLs

W E L C O M E !

Click the links in the menu bar at the top left to find resources for classroom teachers and families of English Language Learners.

Did you know?

  • There are speakers of 72 different languages in the West Hartford school system!
  • There are 620 students receiving ESOL support in our district.
  • The five most frequently spoken languages (besides English) are Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Portuguese and Nepali.
  • All of our schools have students with home languages other than English.

Visit Hello West Hartford

to see videos of some

bilingual families

in West Hartford!

Children, Infant, Girl, School, Reading, Studying

A b o u t M e

I teach elementary ESOL at Bugbee School in West Hartford, Connecticut. I've collected some resources that might be useful to classroom teachers and families of English Language Learners.

If you have any suggestions for items to add or subtract from this site, please let me know!


Jenny Dorl

The world into which you were born is just one model of reality. Other cultures are not failed attempts at being you. They are unique manifestations of the human spirit.

- Dr. Wade Davis, anthropologist