
The list of topics for term projects and master thesis


  1. Indexing and researching tools for archives.
  2. RDF sources in search engines.
  3. Inverted index applied to XML and RDF resources.
  4. Exploring structure in semistructured data.
  5. Machine learning techniques for graph exploration.
  6. Optimization techniques for graph exploration.


  1. Data disambiguation.
  2. Data semantic discover.
  3. Semantic Web.
  4. Semantic similarity
  5. Social Network Analysis


  1. E-health.
  2. Medical electronic files.
    1. ECG trace format for mobile devices (implementation of Java library).
    2. Medical electronic file for table device (implementation of GUI App on Android or iOS).
  3. Disaster management.

Distributed systems

  1. Distributed algorithms in P2P systems.
  2. P2P application for academic research.
  3. Multi-Agent System on mobile environment.
  4. Lightweight encrypting algorithms for Multi-Agent Systems (implementation of Java library).
  5. Decision making support in Multi-Agent Systems.
  6. Coordination and cooperation in Multi-Agent System
  7. Mobile application.