
My research interests are focused mainly in Search Engines for structured and semi-structured data. From November 2015 I joined the COST Action IC1302 KEYSTONE (semantic KEYword-based Search on sTructured data sOurcEs) representing Albania as a Near Neighbor country. My research activity is focused in the optimization of search engines over structured data and the extension to semi-structured data. The optimization covers the two main aspects such as efficiency and effectiveness. The former has the aims to improve the time that the algorithms take to run the top-k solution and the later aims to improve the precision of the result set. The extension to semi-structured data aims to include XML and RDF sources by using the schema XMLS and RDFS respectively. Moreover, my interest includes distributed systems and in particular multi-agent systems for distributed coordination systems.

Formerly I was a member of the AgentGruop research group at the "Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia" led by Prof. Letizia Leonardi. The recent search activity is focused on the management of territorial emergencies using the agent software technology. The project I am involved in, Ubimedic2, aims to build a multi-agent framework that manages the collaboration and coordination issues during catastrophic or emergency events. In collaboration with the DBGroup I have been involved in the Keymantic (video presentation here) project that aims to implement an innovative approach for search engines over relational databases. During this collaboration I have developed a prototype called Keymantic that bases its work only on meta information