El Mythico - The Boardgame.
El Mythico - The Boardgame
Ver 1.2 April 2014 Copyright 2014 Kevin Flynn
The Scenario
El Mythico is a fictitious central American country inserted between real countries. It is a satirical mockery of the classic central American dictatorship/communist revolutionary/fascist scenario of the middle 20th Century.
It is a game ideally for between 4 and 6 players.
It is a blend of luck and strategy and good fun. It is NOT a serious wargame, but an amusing multi-player boardgame with a military leaning.
The Map
The El Mythico map is the one used originally for the PBM version of the game. We always liked the look and feel of it, as did many of our PBM players. As you can see it has a hex grid overlaid on it, but we don’t use that in this boardgame.
A multi-player boardgame is a totally different creature to a tactical level boardgame simulation. It has to be fast and easy. So we have overlaid a “location based area movement system” over the original map. We kept all the important locations from the original map and use them as part of the game. The colour map is simply a background decoration to the game map.