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Contact: 4 rue de Talant, 21000 Dijon, France; +33 (0) 788 524 717
Citizenship: US; Canadian; French
Research Areas
Fields of specialization: behavioral economics, experimental economics.
Key interests: communication, ethics, emotions, beliefs, awareness and self-deception.
Other fields of particular interest: ecological economics, history of economic thought.
Economics education
· Ph.D. economics (2005-2012). UQÀM. Defense April, 2012: Highest honors (mention excellent)
Thesis: “It’s like I told you,” Essays on the economic effects of interpersonal communication.
· M.A. economics (2001-2003). McGill University, Montreal.
Final research project: Fair trade coffee as an institutional adaptation in Mexico.
Academic and Teaching experience
2016-present Permanent Professor. BSB, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France
Taught Economics, Organizational Behavior, Project Management, Statistics, Information tools. Conducted experimental economics research. Directed MA theses. Coordinated adjuncts & piloted course material. Helped organize two conferences. Helped negotiate coaching contract with Uri Gneezy.
2014-2015 Post-doctoral researcher. Tilburg University, Netherlands.
Brought two experiments from concept to data analysis, and advanced two other projects.
2004-2019 Professor, Vanier College, St. Laurent, Quebec
Taught microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economic relations, ecological economics (also designed course), statistics and social research methods. Served on various committees. Instituted departmental essay competition; launched pilot experimental laboratory.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
· Spiegelman, E. (2021) Embracing the dark side? Testing the socialization of a maximizing mindset. Economic Inquiry 59(2)
· Pandey, A., Ashta, A., Spiegelman, E., & Sutan, A. (2020). Catch them young: Impact of financial socialization, financial literacy and attitude towards money on financial well‐being of young adults. International Journal of Consumer Studies.
· Alia, H. & Spiegelman, E. (2020) Convertible local currency and trust: ‘It’s Not You, It’s Me’ – A field experiment in the French Basque Country. Local Economy. 35(2)
· Ajdukovic, I., Spiegelman, E. & Sutan, A. (2019) Égoïste maintenant, ou altruiste (pour) demain ? Stratégies inter vs. intra générationnelles pour la conservation d’une ressource commune. Revue Economique
· López-Pérez, R. & Spiegelman, E. (2019). Do economists lie more? in Dishonesty in Behavioral Economics, eds. Bucciol, A., and Montinari, N., Elsevier.
· Randy J. McCarthy et al. (2018). Registered Replication Report on Srull and Wyer (1979), Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, Vol 1, Issue 3, pp. 321-36.
· Bruno Verschuere et al. (2018). Registered Replication Report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008), Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, Vol 1, Issue 3, pp. 299-317.
· Ajdukovic, I., Max, S., Perchot, R., & Spiegelman, E. (2018). The Economic Psychology of Gabriel Tarde: Something new for behavioral economics? Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 2(1), pp. 5-11.
· López-Pérez, R. & Spiegelman, E. (2013) “Why do people tell the truth? Experimental evidence of pure lie aversion.” Experimental Economics September 2013, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 233-247
Working Papers
“Attention and unawareness in the context of preference reversals” (submitted with R. López-Pérez)
“Flavors of regret: counterfactual information in a binary lottery choice experiment.” (submitted)
“Complementary currency as a facet of social capital: the case of the Eusko in the French Basque Country” (submitted with H. Alia)
Selected current Projects
“Irrelevant information and equilibrium selection in a cheap talk game”
“Social exclusion diminishes sensitivity to notional fines” (with C. Fluet)
“The evolution of trust: testing direct against indirect evolution in the lab” (with S. Suetens)
“Preferences after pan(dem)ics: time and uncertainty in the shadow of covid” (With X. Gassmann, A. Malézieux and J-C Tisserand)
“Equal measures: gender discrimination in wine-servings in France” (with B. Grosskopf; G. Pearce; A. Karakostas; J. Celse)
“The memory of recent disappointment affects ambiguity, but not risk preferences in independent lotteries.”
Conference presentations and invited seminars
2020 SEET, Napoli
2019 ESA World, Vancouver; SCSE, Québec; ASFEE, Toulouse; SEET, Ibiza; ESA Europe, Dijon
2018 ESA World, Berlin; ASFEE, Nice; Tiber, Netherlands; IMEBESS, Florence; SEET, Italy; Alicante (invited)
2017 IMEBESS, Barcelona; ASFEE, Rennes; BDEEM, Dijon; ESA, Vienna; UAM (invited)
2015 GATE, Lyon, France (twice); UAM; Université de Montpellier; Université de Rennes
2014 16th FUR Conference, Rotterdam; 63rd meeting of the AFSE, Lyon; ESA European meeting, Prague, Czech Republic; Tiber conference on economics and psychology, Tilburg, Netherlands; Maastricht University (invited seminar); Do I like what I prefer? Symposium on attitudes and preferences, GSDS, Konstanz, Germany.
2013 47th annual conference of the Canadian Economics Association (CEA), Montreal, Canada
2012 SABE Granada Conference,
2011 Journées du CIRPEE, Bécancours, Quebec; Vanier College Social Science Festival
2010 44th annual conference of the CEA, Quebec, Canada
2009 45th annual conference of the SCSE, Laurentians, QC, Canada; “On Human Nature” second colloquium of the philosophy graduate students association of the University of Montreal; La journée étudiante CIRPÉE 2009, UQÀM
2007 CIREQ Montreal Natural Resources and Environmental Economics Workshops
2005 Canadian Society for Ecological Economics
Econometrica; Experimental Economics; Games & Economic Behavior; J. Econonomic Behavior & Organization; J. Behavioral & Experimental Economics; Rev. Economics & Statstics; Rev. Economic Design
Computer: zTree, STATA, MATLAB, Microsoft Office, Moodle, Teams.
Language: English (C2 – well-trained native); French (C1); Spanish (B2).
Professional affiliations
Western Economics Assocoiation; American Economic Association; Econometric Society; Canadian Economic Association; Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics; Economic Science Association; Association Française des Sciences Economiques; Association française de l’économie expérimentale
Awards & Honors
CIRPEE Doctoral award ($14,000) 2007-2008, 2009-2010
FARE Excellence Award ($6,000) 2005-2006, 2008-2009
University Merit Award ($4,000) 2006
Mention academique – honor underlining academic excellence, UQÀM, 2012
Updated 16.03.2012