Chevy Bolt vs Nissan Leaf

Post date: 22-Apr-2020 13:40:09

I'm going to compare the new Nissan Leaf and the Chevy bolt but before that if you are interested in staying up to date with all kinds of electric car related stuff news that's pretty exciting lately it's just the everyday there's something exciting.

well this is the right place to do that so go ahead and click on the subscribe button so you don't miss anything moving forward and of course I would like to mention that I really don't think that I ever want to compare either one of these cars to the model 3 to the Tesla Model 3 because the audience for these cars is very different from the audience of the Tesla Model 3.

Also there are a lot of major differences that just put them in two different classes you know it's not a hatchback the the model 3 has much much longer range than they even the Chevy Volt the tech there is amazing the supercharging network is is something that always will give Tesla just always put them in a different class of a car.

and ok of course other pricing as well so just let's get that out of the way I think that the leaf and the bolt that actually the cars are going to compete for this space where people you know have a budget for their car but they want to get an electric car that has a decent range and actually let's start with the range now the leaf that just came out they announced that it's going to have about 150 miles.

but the next year they're going to come up with an upgraded version for the range and people are saying it's going to be 200 to 220 miles which is what pretty much the bolt is has right now which is 238 miles now of course at this point both wins as a matter of fact bowl has the best range of any manufacturer out there that is not Tesla so and and that's impressive because I actually already had it for almost a year right now we'll see what Nissan does with with upgraded version of Leaf but for now it's a hundred 50 miles now of course the second thing we got to talk about is the price right because budget is everything now leaf has an advantage of course because the range is smaller it starts at 30,000 where the bolt starts it's 37,000 it's quite a difference so leave has an advantage if you don't mind the difference in the range which is almost 80 miles I'm sure that the price will go up.

when they come up with a with the longer range and it's probably gonna get closer to the 37,000 that the ball has right now but for at this point if you're comfortable with the Nissan Leafs new range then the belief wins as far as pricing is concerned horsepower you know I really don't care that much about horsepower I think in this class over car people don't but nevertheless that's 147 for the leaf and 200 for the bolt again a bit of a difference but don't forget electric cars are known for really awesome torque.

and now I personally drove the bolt I have not driven the leaf I think it's gonna be in two or three weeks but it's you know it's pretty impressive for a tiny little electric car it does have a little bit of a lag for me though some people say it doesn't have it for them but you know the the the torque is is what it's all about let's talk about their self driving features right because this is what electric cars are now almost people expect them to have it.

you know simply because Tesla has an autopilot now this is where Nissan Leaf obviously is ahead because they have the pro pilot feature which is you know very comparable to what Tesla has as far as keeping the car in the lane keeping the distance between the cars ahead of you and they also have this one pedal driving feature as well where you can literally just drive it with one better like a golf cart I'm not quite sure of that feature is gonna catch on but nevertheless they have all these features and it's available where the Chevy bolt doesn't have any of those features which is kind of surprising because you guys probably hear a lot of news about all this kind of autonomous driving bolts and it's true they are testing there as a matter of fact I have a feeling they a little bit of a head of Tesla.

at this point but that's not on the market yet as a matter of fact we don't even know they're gonna be selling those cars we're simply using it for their own over like service but for now unfortunately both losses on this one space is actually also a leaf has the advantage because it has 20 3.6 cubic feet versus Balt 16.9 cubic feet none this is pretty important because you know people buy hatchbacks because you know they're gonna fit stuff in theirs and in fact I like my Model S because it's a hatchback.

and I can fit my hockey goalie gear which is you know really you know it takes a lot of space so this this is something that a lot of people will probably consider but don't forget when you have that premium sound package that Bose amplifier is both down to the floor still even in this version and that makes it a little bit more uncomfortable to put stuff in there but nevertheless a leaf has advantage in the cubic feet the inside the level 2 charging.

it's pretty equal leaf has it at 22 miles per hour versus the vault at 25 miles an hour so both is just a little bit faster this is where I know a lot of people prefer bold and I think a lot of people I agree actually that nice 'only really kind of screwed up on this one even people who really love Nissan Leaf really go like oh man I wish you guys would have had it and I'm talking about active thermal management system which basically means that the way the car cools its battery which is very important if you don't like with active thermal cooling system it it will cool it down to the point where the battery won't degrade as fast now you know and this is basically what it's all come and how to write the Nissan Leaf is known for their battery going bad really quickly.

and in the range going down really quickly because the battery degradation have it and unfortunately they still don't have it in this version of their car where a bolt has it and therefore you should expect replacing your leaves battery way before the bolt of course time will tell and these are the saying that the way they design it is much better and doesn't maybe would need the active thermal management but I don't think anyone's buying that.

so this a 5 year 60,000 mile warranty may come in handy though a lot of people reporting that when you know they end up arguing with Nissan what it means that the battery gone bad the degradation is is to the poor where it needs to be replaced and of course Nissan fights them because you know it's a battery replacement it's a lot of money for them so there's a gray area there you might want to look it up and and see if this is something you guys are comfortable with before buying the leaf let's talk about the interior.

now I've been in both cars and I have to say Nissan Leaf is it's okay you know it's your average compact car interior I don't think they've updated it that much and so it's okay now the bold one I'm actually more impressed I like their heads up display and in their touchscreen on your ride I just I don't know I just felt like it's more tech friendly just just appear the interface and everything so and the interior is you know again nothing special but I just liked it better I have to say that just I just liked it better.

and the navigation system now the leaf has it as an optional navigation system you can add it to your package but the bowl has it only through your mobile phone which actually a lot of people prefer right just just use your Google I have to say I and I'm embarrassed to admit this but as a model as a driver sometimes my Google Maps directions will give me a better estimated time of arrival.

because of the traffic the way it calculates traffic versus what Tassel navigation can do so this may actually not be that bad of an idea and of course the the the interiors is is something then the tech is something that's pretty important to everybody now if I miss something in this video please let me know in the comments below let me know if it's a concern or something that I should have should have mentioned here.

because you never know you know there's so many people care about so many different things maybe you care about the spare tire that's not in the car so let's discuss it in the comments and kind of keep this video alive and and have the conversation there because I know a lot of people are still asking a lot of questions especially about the leap well that's it for me for now I will see you guys next time and remember to stay charged.

Chevy Bolt vs Nissan Leaf
Chevy Bolt vs Nissan Leaf
Chevy Bolt vs Nissan Leaf
Chevy Bolt vs Nissan Leaf