

A cognitive-computational account of mood swings in adolescence

Gregorova K , Eldar E, Deserno L, Reiter AMF. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.


Emotions as computations

Emanuel A, Eldar E. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 144, 104977. 

Accumulating evidence for myriad alternatives: modeling the generation of free association

Fradkin I, Eldar E. Psychological Review 130, 1492–1520. 

Hierarchical inference as a source of human biases

Sharp PB, Fradkin I, Eldar E. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 23, 476–490.

The computational psychopathology of emotion

Erdman A, Eldar E. Psychopharmacology 240, 2231-2238.

Everyday Cognitive Control and Emotion Dysregulation in young adults with and without ADHD: an ecological momentary assessment study

Ben-Dor Cohen M, Maeir A, Eldar E, Nahum M. Journal of Attention Disorders 27, 539-553. 

Coping with emotional dysregulation among young adults with ADHD: A mixed-method study of self-awareness and strategies in daily life

Ben-Dor Cohen M, Nahum M, Traub Bar-Ilan R, Eldar E, Maeir A. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. 

Computational mechanisms of addiction and anxiety: a developmental perspective

Goldway N, Eldar E, Shoval G, Hartley CA. Biological Psychiatry 93, 739-750.

The empathic personality profile: Using personality characteristics to reveal genetic, environmental, and developmental patterns of adolescents’ empathy

Abramson L, Eldar E, Markovitch N, Knafo-Noam A. Journal of Personality 91, 753-772.

Humans Adaptively Deploy Forward and Backward Planning

Sharp PB, Eldar E. PsyArXiv.


Humans perseverate on punishment avoidance goals in multigoal reinforcement learning

Sharp PB, Russek EM, Huys QJM, Dolan RJ, Eldar E. eLife 11, e74402.

Training diversity promotes absolute-value-guided choice

Solomyak L, Sharp PB, Eldar E. PLOS Computational Biology 18, e1010664. 

If you don’t let it in, you don’t have to get it out: thought preemption as a method to control unwanted thoughts

Fradkin I, Eldar E. PLOS Computational Biology 18, e1010285. 

Optimism and Pessimism in Optimised Replay

Antonov G, Gagne C, Eldar E, Dayan P. PLOS Computational Biology 18, e1009634.

A corticostriatal pathway mediating self-efficacy enhancement

Shany O, Gurevitch G, Gilam G, Dunsky N, Reznik Balter S, Greental A, Nutkevitch N, Eldar E, Hendler T. npj Mental Health Reseasrch 1, 6.

Serotonin modulates asymmetric learning from reward and punishment in healthy human volunteers

Michely J, Eldar E, Erdman A, Martin IM, Dolan RJ. Communications Biology 5, 812.


Disrupted state transition learning as a computational marker of compulsivity

Sharp PB, Dolan RJ, Eldar E. Psychological Medicine, 1-11.

Positive affect as a computational mechanism

Eldar E, Pessiglione M, van Dillen L. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 39, 52-57.

A pupillary index of susceptibility to decision biases

Eldar E, Felso V, Cohen JD, Niv Y. Nature Human Behaviour 5, 653-662.  

Emotional dysregulation and health related quality of life in young adults with ADHD: a cross sectional study

Ben-Dor Cohen M, Eldar E, Maeir A, Nahum M. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 19, 1-11. 


The roles of online and offline replay in planning

Eldar E, Lièvre G, Dayan P, Dolan RJ. eLife 9, e56911 (Data & Code).

Towards formal models of psychopathological traits that explain symptom trajectories

Sharp PB, Miller GA, Dolan RJ, Eldar E. BMC Medicine 18, 264.

A mechanistic account of serotonin’s impact on mood

Michely J, Eldar E, Martin I, Dolan RJ. Nature Communications 11, 1-11. 

Doubting what you already know: uncertainty regarding state transitions is associated with obsessive compulsive symptoms

Fradkin I, Ludwig C, Eldar E, Huppert JD. PLOS Computational Biology 16, e1007634. 


Computational models of anxiety: Nascent efforts and future directions

Sharp PB, Eldar E. Current Directions in Psychological Science 28, 170-176. 

Distinct roles of dopamine and noradrenaline in incidental memory

Hauser TU, Eldar E, Purg N, Moutoussis M, Dolan RJ. Journal of Neuroscience 2, 670-681. 


Magnetoencephalography decoding reveals structural differences within integrative decision processes 

Eldar E, Bae GJ, Kurth-Nelson Z, Dayan P, Dolan RJ. Nature Human Behaviour 2, 670–681 (news & views by Pearson J).

Decodability of reward learning signals predicts mood fluctuations

Eldar E, Roth C, Dayan P, Dolan RJ. Current Biology 9, 1433–1439.


Separate mesocortical and mesolimbic pathways encode effort and reward learning signals

Hauser TU, Eldar E, Dolan RJ. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, E7395–E7404.

Mood instability and reward dysregulation: a neuro-computational model of bipolar disorder

Mason L, Eldar E, Rutledge RB. JAMA Psychiatry 74, 1275–1276. 

Building a new field of computational psychiatry

Moutoussis M, Eldar E, Dolan RJ. Biological Psychiatry 82, 388–390. 


Striatal structure and function predict individual biases in learning to avoid pain 

Eldar E, Hauser TU, Dayan P, Dolan RJ. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 4812–4817.

Mood as representation of momentum

Eldar E, Rutledge RB, Dolan RJ, Niv Y. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 20, 15–24.

Do you see the forest or the tree? Neural gain and breadth versus focus in perceptual processing

Eldar E, Niv Y, Cohen JD. Psychological Science 12, 1632–1643.

Amplified selectivity implements the neural gain model of norepinephrine function

Eldar E, Cohen JD, Niv Y. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39, e206.

Catecholamine-mediated increases in gain enhance the precision of cortical representations

Warren CM, Eldar E, van den Brink RL, Tona KD, van der Wee NJ, Giltay EJ, van Noorden MS, Bosch JA, Wilson RC, Cohen JD, Nieuwenhuis S. Journal of Neuroscience 36, 5699-5708.

Neural mechanisms of harm avoidance learning – a model for obsessive-compulsive disorder? 

Hauser TU, Eldar E, Dolan RJ. JAMA Psychiatry 73: 1196–1197.

Human mesostriatal response tracks motivational tendencies under naturalistic goal-conflict

Gonen T, Soreq E, Eldar E, Ben Simon E, Raz G, Hendler T. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 11, 961-972. 

Adolescence is associated with genomically patterned consolidation of the hubs of the human brain connectome

Whitaker KJ, Vertes PE, Romero-Garcia R, Vasa F, Moutoussis M, Prabhu G, Weiskopf N, Callaghan MF, Wagstyl K, Rittman T, Tait R, Ooi C, Suckling J, Inkster B, Fonagy P, Dolan RJ, Jones PE, Goodyer IM, NSPN Consortium, Bullmore ET. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 9105–9110.


Interaction between emotional state and learning underlies mood instability

Eldar E, Niv Y. Nature Communications 6, 6149. 


The effects of neural gain on attention and learning

Eldar E, Cohen JD, Niv Y. Nature Neuroscience 16, 1146–1153 (news & views by Donner TH, Nieuwenhuis S). 


The effects of motivation on response rate: a hidden semi-Markov model analysis of behavioral dynamics

Eldar E, Morris G, Niv Y. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 201, 251–261. 


Feeling the real world: limbic response to music depends on related content

Eldar E, Ganor O, Admon R, Bleich A, Hendler T. Cerebral Cortex 17, 2828–2840.