Poziv za suradnju - Call for article submissions

Post date: Nov 12, 2012 7:36:08 AM




The scholarly journal Ekonomska i ekohistorija (Economics and eco-history) invites submissions for a special issue on «History and Sustainability» to be published in 2014. The editors of this special issue, Drs. Hrvoje Petrić and Paul Hirt, invite submissions dealing with any area of the world and any chronological period, but we especially seek articles on central Europe, the Adriatic, and the Balkans. We welcome essays based on original research as well as literature reviews and critical/theoretical essays about history and sustainability. Deadline for submission for this special issue is July 1, 2013.

Contributions for this special issue on history and sustainability must be in English and submitted in Microsoft Word format. Preferred font is Times New Roman 12 point font with 1,5 paragraph spacing; notes should be font size 10, with single spacing. Articles and papers for the special issue can be e-mailed to the editors listed below, with the subject line indicating: Ekonomska i ekohistorija submission.

Editor Hrvoje Petrić,


Guest co-editor Paul Hirt


The articles should not exceed the size limit of 60.000 characters (32 pages); authors get a free copy of the magazine.

Ekonomska i ekohistorija is published by the Society for Economic and Environmental History in Croatia and primarily publishes peer-reviewed scientific articles. See http://hrcak.srce.hr/ekonomska-i-ekohistorija?lang=en

The following three types of submissions are peer-reviewed and must have two positive external reviews to be accepted for publication. Submissions are categorized in the following manner:

    1. Original scientific articles, research results, scientific conference presentations of yet unpublished results of original research in complete or preliminary form laid out so that accuracy of research can be verified.

    2. Review (historiographical) essays – with original, concise, and critical evaluations of the scolarly literature in a specific field of study. The author's original contribution to the field, in comparison to a detailed overview of already published scholarly literature on the topic, must be included.

    3. Applied professional articles – with useful contributions to a field of study, policy, or practice aimed at professionals and practitioners. Original research is not required, but an original analysis or argument is required.

Peer-review procedures: Two reviewers must evaluate and approve submissions. The reviewers determine the proper category (see above) under which the submission will be published. The category is listed in the title/heading when the article is published. If the reviewers disagree on the category, the editors will make the final determination. The editors have the right to make minor amendments, corrections, and editing of written and graphic material, as long as it does not substantially alter content or meaning.

Ekonomska i ekohistorija also publishes original (primary source) materials/documents, reviews of books and periodicals, and research notes, annotations, comments, reactions, etc. These do not require peer-review but may be submitted to a peer review process when the editorial staff deems it desirable.

The editorial staff is not responsible for opinions expressed in articles and published papers. Contributed papers and documents are not returned to senders. Once an article is accepted, the author cannot publish it elsewhere without prior approval from the editor of Ekonomska i ekohistorija, provided also that the re-publishing acknowledges its original publication in this journal.

Additional formatting guidance: Tables, charts, graphs, photos, and other images should be numbered and their approximate placement in the text indicated. Graphics must be in high resolution (600 or 1200 dpi preferred) and each submitted on a separate sheet/page of A4 format. Tables should have a descriptive heading placed above the table, with the source listed below it. In general, original scientific papers should not use graphic images published and copyrighted by other authors. If such documentations/graphics are used, the author must acquire permission from the source for reprinting and the original author and publication information must be cited. When using old, non-copyrighted maps, charts, or graphics, the original author must still be cited, together with the source and/or institution where the original graphics are kept, as well as a signature, if existing.

Each submission must include the following data:

    1. paper title

    2. author name(s) and e-mail contact information

    3. institution name/address where the author is employed

    4. articles must be accompanied by a 250 word abstract in English, and an additional abstract in a language appropriate to the world region discussed in the article. The summary should include a general overview of the topic, methodology, results and conclusion; it should be in neutral gender, avoiding passive verbs, and limited to 250 words.

    5. include a glossary of key words if specialized scientific terms are used in the article.


Please use the Chicago Manual of Style in-text author-date system for citations and include a list of «Works Cited». Footnotes or endnotes are permitted.