
Note: This page is intended for LibreOffice Writer and Microsoft Word users. For LaTeX users, the necessary fonts are installed with the package mathdesign.

In the case of a word processor, the serif font for EISS 11 is Charis SIL Compact (currently at version 5.000), which is optically very similar to Bitstream Charter (which is the chosen font for EISS 11 in the case of LaTeX). Another font, Bitstream Vera (version 1.10), supplies the sans serif and typewriter shapes. I've included a local copy of the most recent version of each of these fonts below.

Please download and unzip the two ZIP files below, and then copy all of the TTF files contained inside the uncompressed directories to your fonts directory. You don't need to keep the other files.

Download: Charis SIL Compact 5.000 | Bitstream Vera 1.10