
External teaching

I teach a 4-day course on methods for causal inference, covering linear regression, difference-in-differences, IV estimation and Regression Discontinuity Designs. The course is designed for postgraduate (Master or PhD) students in the social sciences (economics, sociology, demography) and assumes a basic familiarity with linear regression. Lectures are accompanied by computer tutorials (with code support in R and Stata) using easySHARE data with applications inspired by published research papers. Please feel free to get in touch if you would be interested to offer this course in your institution.

Teaching at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

From September 2024, I will be co-responsible for the Master 2 "Evaluation médico-économique et accès au marché" (Health Economic Evaluation and Market Access). I also teach the following courses:

I have taught the following courses in the past: