Current research

Currently, my research focuses on two areas - the economics of aging and retirement as well as the economics of preventive care. Below is a short description of these research areas along with a selected list of key publications and current working papers. A full list of my publications can be found here, and my working papers are listed here.

Aging and retirement

I examine social and economic determinants of health and health behavior in old age. A particular focus is on the transition from work to retirement, and its consequences for older adults behavior. In addition, I am also involved in research on the effect of health on labour market participation in old age.

Current working papers: 

Key publications:

Preventive care

Preventive care is often considered to be a key action to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases in old age. Yet, preventive care programs (e.g., health check ups or cancer screening programs) is often underused, and large social gradients have been reported in the literature. In my research, I focus on social and economic determinants of preventive care use, such as labor market participation or health information. Using econometric approaches, my research aims to discover the causal impact of these determinants on uptake of preventive care. I also consider the role of health policy and screening programs in individual's decisions to access preventive care.

Current work in progress:

Key publications:

Family formation and women's labour force participation

I also study how social and economic factors influence family formation and childbearing, with a particular focus on women's health and labour market outcomes.

Current working papers: 

Key publications: