Tribute to late colleagues

Everyday, we learn. Our life is full of people who contribute to what we know, and we always remain thankful to them.

It is not only those who have enlightened the way we see our life, the personal one, in our professional life, as well, we owe a lot to pioneering and senior colleagues who have made the concept and theories we work with. We could not think and understand many concepts without great people who have built our frames of thought.

In unsaturated soil mechanics and unsaturated poromechanics, where I live at work, the following people have influenced me and our scientific community. We have missed them in recent years. This is unfortunate and it would remain as a great loss for our community. Should they be granted a longer life, they would have served science and this world much more; we, therefore, mourn their loss and regret their absence wholeheartedly:

Professor Geoffrey Eustace Blight

Professor Olivier Coussy

Professor Tom Schanz