I hold the position of Associate Professor in the Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Computer Science, Institute of Computer Science at University of Tartu and Professor in the Department of Logistics at TTK University of Applied Sciences.

I have 21 years of academic research, teaching, supervision, mentoring and project management experience at Tallinn University of Technology, TTK UAS, Georgia Tech, University of Central Florida and University of Tartu.  After PhD graduation (in 2008), I continued as a Post Doc in the Georgia Institute of Technology (GA, USA) supported by a Fulbright grant. Thereafter I started a research group in collaboration with Georgia Tech, research center UNIDEMI (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and Tallinn University of Technology. The primary focus of the research group was the project "Enhancing Sustainability of Manufacturing Enterprises through reliability engineering”. The goals and funding of the project enabled us to also collaborate with the University of Linköping and several local and international companies (Ericsson, Norma, Densel Baltic) that resulted in joint publications, internships and further research projects.

Later on, I initiated and managed several applied research projects in cooperation with the Mektory organisation for local and international companies and our research team was lucky enough to receive a special award “Applied research work 2013 in collaboration with Tallinn University of Technology and Ericsson”. It followed by Industrial Post Doc in Ericsson Ltd. on the topic of modelling manufacturing business process and measuring the direct product cost in each sub-process of the manufacturing cycle.  

It followed by obtaining the funding for the research project “Collaboration enhancing sustainable conceptual model development and implementation for the SME-s”. In parallel, I designed and developed several national and international courses and focused more resources on pedagogical experience.

It is followed  by obtaining the funding for research project. "Innovative methods for implementing interdisciplinarity in career counseling" (cooperation of Rezeknes Tehnologiju Akademija, Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas, Tallinn University of Technology). The project is targeting fighting with an insufficient quantity of students in technical areas in universities of the Baltic States resulting in unemployment and lack of specialists in fields of design, technology and economics by the targeted design of reliable teaching programs for schoolteachers coming from the collaboration of schools, universities and business institutions. 

From 2018-2010 I was involved in  "SmartLog proof of concept project for IoT blockchain solution in logistics industry" (cooperation of Finnish, Latvian, Estonian and Swedish institutions, companies and development centers)

From 2018-2021 I was involved in "TalTechDigital business processes modelling project". The project is a part of a significant TalTechDigital program that focuses on digitalisation of the university by using new, developing and break-through technologies, which was resulted in building of TalTech business process architecture as a platform for management and institutional accreditation.

Currently,  I am leading the Digital Supply Chain management research group,  Head of Purchase and Procurement curriculum in TTK UAS, Teaching and doing the research in Business Analysis and Software product development in University of Tartu and involved in several research projects: 

From 09. 2020 I was initiated the "Digital skills for future Supply Chain Management 4.0 (DIGSCM 4.0)".  The target is to develop the courses for Digital Supply Chain management module in collaboration with (TTK UAS, Rezeknes Tehnologiju Akademija, Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas).

From 07.2021 TTK UAS joined the Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs project. (IVENTHEI). The target is by 2025 a critical mass of highly educated young enterpreneurs and innovators will be trained by the participating higher educational institutions, contributing to the emergence of highly dynamic research and innovation ecosystems- Innovation districts in collaboration with (University of Porto, TTK UAS, The University of Sheffield, Univerzita Pardubice, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Universitatea Valahia Targoviste, INOVA and Science and Technology Park of University of Porto.

Besides, I run several courses for BCs and MSc students in the Department of Department of Software Science in University of Tartu and Department of Logistics in TTK UAS. I have developed and designed courses on the topics of supply chain management, business modelling and simulations, digitalisation, quality management, process design, data analytics and operational software. 

The number of my publications reaches more than 80 articles. I have supervised 12 BSc, 72 MSc and 3 PhD students, who have successfully defended their degrees.