
Basic Elements

Although the architecture of your digital hub may change over time, to get started, we recommend that teacher candidates include the following four elements in the initial design of their site's navigational architecture:

Examples of Digital Hubs that might be of value for Faculty and Students alike can be found on the Examples page.

Several examples are also provided on the Choosing a Platform page.

Year 1

Your digital hub architecture should be designed to include evidence of your understanding of what it means to be a teacher in Ontario and how you serve the public through your work as a teacher. To this end, you might create a top-level menu item called Courses with sub-pages for each of the courses you take. Each of these pages could include the best example of your work from the course with a brief pre-amble that contextualizes the assignment in terms of the broad themes of the course, and that explicitly highlights your understanding of teaching.

Year 2

Your digital hub architecture should grow or be revised to include evidence of your development as a teacher researcher. To this end, you might include a top-level menu item called Research with a page that features the work you are doing as a teacher researcher during your second year of the program.