Q & A with Danny and Ruth

Post date: Feb 28, 2018 7:58:1 PM

I hosted a Question and Answer period on Zoom today for B.Ed. students and happily, one student, Ruth, from the Global Cohort attended and one professor, Danny, attended too. Of course, I always wish that more students could attend seminars or workshops that I offer, but there are always many constraints for us as busy professionals. Graciously, Danny and Ruth allowed me to record the session so that Ruth's questions and my responses to them could be shared with a broader audience of people who might have the same questions and concerns. Please see the link to the video below.

Ruth asked several very good questions. 

She wondered about her CV and whether she should include personally identifiable information on her web-based CV.

She wondered about how to really showcase her work on a website. 

She wondered about the architecture of the site -- how to organize her pages.

She wondered about how to share out a bunch of different kinds of information -- and we had a good conversation about a blog as a logical place to curate resources and information for an audience of peers.

She wondered, too, about how to integrate images. 

Here is the link to the recording of our conversation.


I told Ruth to make this HER own. The object of this work is for you to curate examples of your work in a digital space that, in years to come, will be meaningful and useful and can evolve with you through your career. 

Thanks, Ruth for coming today.  And thanks, Danny for your support as a professor to the students and to me as a colleague!!