

Urban Transformation in Ancient Molise: The Integration of Larinum into the Roman State. New York. (Oxford University Press). 2021.

Edited Volume

E. C. Robinson, ed. Supplement 97: Papers on Italian Urbanism in the First Millennium B.C. Portsmouth, R.I. (Journal of Roman Archaeology). "Introduction" and chapter "Non-Greek Urbanism in Southern Italy in the 4th and 3rd c. B.C." in the same volume. 2014.

Articles and Book Chapters

“Rural Settlement Patterns and Sanctuaries in the Middle Volturno Valley.” (Ostraka 18.1: 221-235). 2009.

“A Localized Approach to the Study of Integration and Identity in Southern Italy.” (Processes of Integration and Identity Formation in the Roman Republic, S.T. Roselaar, ed. Leiden (Brill): 247-271). 2012. (PDF added to this page with permission from Brill.)

“Research Report on ‘Larinum: A Case Study for the Romanization of Southern Italy.’” (Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 57: 397). 2012.

“Research Report on 'Larinum: A Case Study for the Romanization of Southern Italy.’” (Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 58: 215-216). 2013.

“A New Inscription in Oscan from Larinum: Decisive Evidence in Favor of a Local Cult of Mars and Mater (Deum?),” by E. Robinson and T. Sironen. (Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 185: 251-261). 2013.

“Local Power Networks at Larinum Before and After its Integration in to the Roman State.” (SOMA 2012 Identity and Connectivity: Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1-3 March 2012, L. Bombardieri, A. D'Agostino, G. Guarducci, V. Orsi and S. Valentini, edd. Oxford (Archaeopress): 887-894). 2013.

“Larinum" in the digital edition of the Oxford Classical Dictionary, ed. S. Goldberg. 2017.

"Prosopography of the Leading Families of Larinum in the Roman period." (Social Interactions and Status Markers in the Roman World, G. Cupcea and R. Varga, ed. Oxford (Archaeopress): 57-78). 2018.

"Empress Livia (58 BCE - 29 CE) on the Palatino." (People and Places of the Roman Past: The Educated Traveller's Guide, P. Hatlie, ed. Leeds (Arc Humanities Press): 57-67). 2019.

Other articles in progress.

Cartographic Publications

All form part of the Routledge Wall Maps for the Ancient World series and were published in 2010.

“Egypt and the Near East 3000 – 1200 BCE,” ed. R. Talbert, E. Robinson and R. Twele, with assistance from C. Barber.

“Egypt and the Near East 1200 – 500 BCE,” ed. R. Talbert, E. Robinson and R. Twele, with assistance from C. Barber.

“Greece and Persia in the Time of Alexander the Great,” ed. R. Talbert, E. Robinson and R. Twele, with assistance from C. Barber and J. Becker.

“Greece and the Aegean in the 5th Century BCE,” ed. R. Talbert, E. Robinson and R. Twele, with assistance from J. Becker.

“Italy in the Mid First Century CE,” R. Talbert, E. Robinson and R. Twele, with assistance from T. Elliott.

“The Roman Empire around 200 CE,” ed. R. Talbert, E. Robinson and R. Twele, with assistance from C. Barber.

“The World of the New Testament and the Journeys of Paul,” ed. R. Talbert, E. Robinson and R. Twele, with assistance from C. Barber.

Book Reviews

Yntema, D. The Archaeology of South-East Italy in the First millennium BC: Greek and Native Societies of Apulia and Lucania Between the 10th and the 1st Century BC. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press, 2013, American Journal of Archaeology 120.1, 2016.01.01.