Overseas Japanese Economists | 海外の日本人経済学者

Always a beta version.

# of economists reaches 100! (August 17, 2014)

A new item, Top30, is added. (December 31, 2018)

The list below shows Japanese economists [*] working at overseas universities [**]. "x" indicates missing information.

This website is organized by Yosuke YASUDA. Any comments (especially, updated information) will be highly appreciated :)

Remark | 注意

    • Dept (Department)

      • Econ = Economics | 経済

      • Busi = Business | ビジネス

      • Mngm = Management | 経営

      • PubP = Public Policy | 公共政策

    • Title

      • Emer = Emeritus Professor | 名誉教授

      • Prof = Professor | 教授

      • Asso = Associate Professor | 准教授

      • Assi = Assistant Professor | 助教授 or 専任講師

    • Style: Applied, Theory, or Both.

    • Field: Micro, Macro, Game, Metrics (Econometrics), IO, Fin (Finance), Dev (Development), Labor, Intl (International), Behav (Behavioral Economics) or Other.

    • Top5: Checked if the person has published a paper on the top 5 economics journals, i.e., AER, Econometrica, JPE, QJE, and REStud. Comments and proceedings are NOT counted.

    • Top30: Checked if the person has published two or more papers on the top 30 economics journals. The list of the journals and the reasons/criteria for their selection (in Japanese) are available here.

    • For each of five publications on these journals, * mark is added next to the author's (Japanese) name.

    • The following 4 journals have been added. (May 1, 2019)

      • Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Management Science, Marketing Science, Review of Financial Studies

    • The following 2 journals have been added. (October 31, 2020) New!

      • Annals of Statistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association

    • YOG = Year of Graduation (bachelor) | 学部卒業年

    • Lct (Location): USA, Can (Canada), UK, Euro (Europe), Aus (Australia), Asia, or Other.

[*]: Some of them may not have Japanese citizenship, but they have Japanese background (as far as I know) such as language, undergraduate education, and so on.

[**]: Now we prepare to extend the list to include economists and researchers who work at non-academic institutions, such as central banks, research institutes, and consulting firms.

Those economists who belong to non-university and meet the "Top 30" criteria have been added to the list. (May 1, 2019)


I would like to thank Naohito ABE, Takao ASANO, Yu Awaya, Saori CHIBA, Risa GOTOH, Takahiro HOSHINO, Minoru ICHIKAWA, Mitsuru IGAMI, Hideshi ITOH, Yuichiro KAMADA, Reina KAWAI, Kohei KAWAMURA, Kozo KIYOTA, Fuhito KOJIMA, Kohyoh KUROKAWA, Shiko MARUYAMA, Noriaki MATSHUSHIMA, Hiroaki MATSUURA, Yusuke NARITA, Shinichi NISHIYAMA, Shunya NODA, Daisuke OZAKI, Takuo SUGAYA, Satoru TAKAHASHI, Katsumi SHIMOTSU, Akira SASAHARA, Misa TANAKA, Kensuke TESHIMA, Taiga TSUBOTA, Shunsuke TSUDA, Naoki WAKAMORI, Stephanie WANG, Eika YAMAGUCHI, Shintaro YAMAGUCHI, @kazuya_dayooo, @meg_schlegel, @sinei, @tm_tkuc, and @yKyYkrL2at5HDzw for helpful information, comments and suggestions.

All remaining errors are mine.

Recent Updates | 最近の更新

[21/2] --- Deleted | NAKATA, Taisuke

[20/12] --- * Added | KITAGAWA, Toru: UCL

[20/11] --- Added | KAJI, Tetsuya: Chicago

[20/10] --- Moved | KANAYA, Shin: Aarhus => Essex

[20/10] --- Added | ANDO, Tomohiro: Melbourne

[20/10] --- Added | MCALINN, Kenichiro: Temple

[20/10] --- * Added | AMEMIYA, Takeshi: Stanford

[20/10] --- * Added | HIRANO, Keisuke: Penn State

[20/10] --- * Added | ICHIMURA, Hidehiko: Arizona

[20/10] --- * Added | IIJIMA, Ryota: Yale

[20/10] --- * Added | IGAMI, Mitsuru: Yale

[20/10] --- * Added | INOUE, Atsushi: Vanderbilt

[20/10] --- * Added | SASAKI, Yuya: Vanderbilt

[20/10] --- * Added | KATO, Kengo: Cornell

[20/10] --- * Added | YAMASHITA, Takuro: Toulouse

[20/10] --- * Added | KUNIMOTO, Takashi: SMU

[20/10] --- Deleted | ZUSAI, Dai

[20/9] --- Added | OKUYAMA, Yoko: Uppsala

[20/9] --- Deleted | KOJIMA, Fuhito

Click here for previous updates.

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Last update: February 10, 2021.

Overseas Japanese Economists | 海外の日本人経済学者 — List page from Classic Sites