Econometric Methods using Experimental Data

Charles Bellemare and Sabine Kröger, both regular CIRPÉE members, and Dorothea Kübler, of Berlin's WZB, organized a workshop on the topic of "Econometric methods using experimental data". The workshop was held in Berlin on August 18 and 19 and aimed at promoting the use of sophisticated econometric techniques to analyze experimental data. About a dozen presentations were delivered. Many renowned researchers took part in this event, which was financed jointly by the Social policies, market structures and employment area of research of the CIRPÉE and the WZB in Berlin.

August 18/19, 2011

Location: WZB (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung)

This workshop is sponsored by

CIRPÉE (Centre Interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques économiques, et l’emploi), Université Laval


WZB (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung)


Charles Bellemare

CIRPÉE (Centre Interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques économiques, et l’emploi), Université Laval

Sabine Kröger

CIRPÉE (Centre Interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques économiques, et l’emploi), Université Laval

Dorothea Kübler

WZB (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung) & Technical University Berlin

For information and registration see: http://www.wzb.eu/en/events/econometric-methods-using-experimental-data

Thursday, August 18, 2011

10.30 – 11.00 Registration

Erik Sørensen (Norwegian School of Economics). The demographic distribution of social preferences: Evidence from a large scale incentivized web experiment

Daniel Schunk (University of Mainz). Heterogeneity in Social Preferences

12.30-14.00 Lunch

Arthur van Soest (Tilburg University). Experts in Experiments: How Selection Matters for Estimated Distributions of Risk Preferences

David Gill (Oxford University). Gender Differences and Dynamics in Competition: The Role of Luck

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee Break

Claudia Neri (University of St. Gallen). First- and Second-Order Subjective Expectations in Strategic Decision-Making.

Charles Bellemare (Université Laval). Learning about a class of Belief-dependent preferences without information on beliefs.

19.00 Conference Dinner

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pedro Rey Biel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Elicited Beliefs and Social Information in Modified Dictator Games: What Do Dictators Believe Other Dictators Do?

Georg Weizsäcker (DIW, UCL London). Beliefs and actions in the trust game: Creating instrumental variables to estimate the causal effect

10.30-11.00 Coffee Break

Jacob Goeree (University of Zurich). Using Swaps to Eliminate Exposure in Markets with Substitutes

Victoria Prowse (Cornell University). Cognitive Ability and Learning

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch

Dan Houser (George Mason University). Laboratory analysis of endogenous social networks

Dirk Engelmann (University of Manheim). Do legal standards affect ethical concerns of consumers? An experiment on minimum wages


Charles Bellemare (Université Laval, CIRPEE)

Pedro Rey Biel (Universität Autònoma de Barcelona)

Dirk Engelmann (Universität Mannheim)

David Gill (Oxford University)

David Danz (WZB)

Marie-Pierre Dargnies (WZB)

Jacob Goeree (University of Zurich)

Daniel Houser (George Mason University)

Frank Hüber (WZB)

Sabine Kröger (Université Laval)

Dorothea Kübler (WZB)

Claudia Neri (University of St Gallen)

Arthur H.O. van Soest (Tilburg University)

Eric Sørensen (Norwegian School of Economics)

Victoria Prowse (Cornell University)

Julia Schmid (WZB)

Daniel Schunk (Universität Mainz)

Georg Weizsäcker (DIW, UCL London)