Introduction to SPSS

SPSS is a statistical software that is used for estimating econometrics models. For more information, please check the Official SPSS website.

In this Introduction to SPSS video, you will learn about how to use the SPSS software to read data sets, do basic statistical analysis, and get familiar with the program so that we can use it for more sophisticated econometrics models.

SPSS Programs and Data

Introduction to SPSS Program and Output

Introduction to SPSS.sps




Introduction to SPSS: Topics

  • SPSS website and purchasing SPSS

  • Advantages and disadvantages of SPSS

  • Programs – SPSS program or syntax file (.sps)

  • Output files – commands are listed and results are shown (.spv)

  • Data files – SPSS data files (.sav), Excel (.xlsx) and csv files (.csv)

  • Importing data – get, get data

  • Summarizing and analyzing data – descriptives, frequencies, correlations

  • Statistical analysis (t test, anova, regressions) – t-test, oneway, regression

  • Graphs - ggraph

  • Using help