Economics links


ADARE (Administrative Data Research and Evaluation)

AFDC/TANF Effective Tax Rates and Guarantees from Ziliak (2006)

Cornell data archive

Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive


Economics blogs

Green Economics (Matt Kahn)

Marginal Revolution (Tyler Cowan and Alex Tabbarok at George Mason)

Au Courant (Paul Courant's blog)

Grant McCracken's Economics and Anthropology Blog

Brian McCall's Economics of Education Blog

Aid Watch (William Easterly's blog)

Stigler Center blog


Economics sites

Economic Principals

Economics of Religion

Labor Economics Gateway (one-stop shopping but they should learn how to spell "labor")

Economics Journal Watch

Economists' Voice

University of Washington Economics Alumni Association

National Bureau of Economic Research

Poverty Action Lab at MIT

ECO5 Economics Gateway (lots of useful links!)

Interview with Jim Heckman

Preston McAfee's free introductory economics textbook

Knowledge Problem

Rebecca Thornton's Amazing Page of Data

Economics Library

VoxEU (European economists’ policy writings)

Field Experiments

Bureau of Labor Statistics Monthly Labor Review

Institute for Research on Poverty Focus

McMaster Archive for the History of Economic Thought

MIT Open Courseware (includes course materials for many economics courses)

AEA list of economics conferences

Steve Lehrer's vast list of economics links 

Anton Tarasenko's Awesome Economics Links


Evaluation / Treatment Effects / Causal Effects

Michael Lechner's group at St. Gallen (Sehr gut!)

Chis Winship's page at Harvard (contains many further links)

ISR Quantitative Methods Program at Michigan

Social Science Statistics Blog at Harvard

Gary King's page at Harvard

Applied statistics weblog at Columbia

Mahalanobis blog

Mark Lipsey's center at Vanderbilt

David Freedman's website at Berkeley

Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy

Impact Evaluation Social Network (run by 3ie)

Center for Evidence-Based Policy


Statistical Treatment Rules

Research on Statistical Treatment Rules (from the Upjohn Institute)


Government Data and Evaluation Sites

National Center for Education Statistics (Lots of data here!)

IES What Works Clearinghouse

United Kingdom Data Archive (Quite so!)

Education Commission of the States Policy Database

Science of Science policy website



Directory of econometrician web sites



Local Polynomial Smoothing Movies


Links for graduate students and potential graduate students

Advice on graduate school

Good advice from Prof. Lubotsky

Good advice from Prof. Blattman



Journal of Obnoxious Statistics

Economics via Seinfeld

Economics haiku

Yoram Bauman list of humoroous economics articles

Charlie Clotfelter's book on economics humor