
Nota: La bibliografía no es obligatoria, ya que no hay textos en castellano, y no hay ningún libro en la actualidad que abarque todos los contenidos de la materia. La bibliografía consta mayormente de trabajos científicos que resumen el estado de conocimiento de distintos temas y apuntes elaborados por los docentes que se envían como parte del material didáctico. El libro de Rowe et al., 2017 y el de Freeland 2019, son los únicos que abarca la mayor parte de los temas dictados.

Allendorf, F.W., Gordon H. Luikart & Sally N. Aitken. 2013. “Conservation and the Genetics of Populations”. Wiley-Blackwell eds.

Avise JC. 2009. Phylogeography: retrospect and prospect. J. Biogeogr. 36:3–15

Balkenhol, Niko; Cushman, Samuel; Storfer, Andrew; Waits, Lisette. 2016. Landscape Genetics: Concepts, Methods, Applications. Ed. John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Beebe, T. & Rowe, G. 2005. An introduction to molecular ecology. Oxford University Press. Great Britain. .

Bohmann, K, Evans, A., Thomas, M., Gilbert P, Carvalho, G.R., Creer, S., Knapp, M., Yu, D.W. y de Bruyn, M. 2014. Environmental DNA for wildlife biology and biodiversity monitoring. TREE 29: 358-367.

Cadotte, M.W. and T. Jonathan Davies. 2016. Phylogenies in Ecology: A Guide to Concepts and Methods. Princeton University Press.

Freeland, J.R. 2019. Molecular Ecology. Third Edition. Ed.: Wiley and Blackwell.

Guzmán, N., Kemmpainen, P., Monti, D., , Castillo, E, Rodriguero, M., Sanchez-Restrepo, A., M. M.Cigliano, V.Confalonieri. 2022. Stable inversion clines in a grasshopper species group despite complex geographical history. Molecular Ecology 31(4), pp. 1196-1215

Hamilton, M. 2009. Population genetics. Wiley-Blackwell Eds. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK

Hein, J., Schierup, M.H., y Carsten, W. 2006. Gene Genealogies, Variation and Evolution: a primer in Coalescent Theory. Oxford University Press.

Knowless L. & Kubatko, L. 2010. Estimating species trees: practical and theoretical aspects. Ed.: Wiley and Blackwell.

Knowless L. 2009. Statistical phylogeography. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 2009. 40:593–612.

Kuhner, M.K. 2008. Coalescent genealogy samplers: windows into population history. Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.24 No.2

Landry, C.R. y Nadia Aubin –Horth. Eds. 2014. Ecological Genomics: ecology and the evolution of genes and genomes. Springer Science and Business Media Dordrecht.

Lanteri, A. A. & V. A. Confalonieri. 2003. Filogeografía: objetivos, métodos y ejemplos. Pp. 185-193. En: Llorente Bousquets, J. & J.J. Morrone (eds.). Una perpectiva latinoamericana de la biogeografía. Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, México.

Lemey, P., Salemi, M., Vandamme, A. 2009. The Phylogenetic Handbook: A Practical Approach to Phylogenetic Analysis and Hypothesis Testing. Cambridge University Press.

Maffey L , Confalonieri V , Hasson E, Schweigmann N. 2022.City puzzles: does urban landscape affect genetic population structure in Aedes aegypti?. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, en prensa.

Maffey L , Garzón M , Confalonieri V , Chanampa MM , Hasson E , Schweigmann N .2020 A Genomic survey of Aedes aegypti from Northwestern Argentina reveals the role of active vs. passive dispersal in structuring populations. En revision

Rowe, G., Sweet, M., Beebee, T. 2017. An introduction to molecular ecology. Oxford University Press. Great Britain.

Shoemaker, J.S, Painter, I.S.; Weir, B.S. 1999. Bayesian statistics in genetics: a guide for the uninitiated. TIG 15, No 9.

Storfer, A, Murphy MA, Evans JS, Goldberg CS, Robinson S, Spear SF, Dezzani R, Delmelle E, Vierling L y Waits LP. 2007. Putting the ‘landscape’ in landscape genetics. Heredity (2007) 98, 128–142.

Templeton A.R. 2004. Statistical phylogeography: methods of evaluating and minimizing inference errors. Mol. Ecol. 13: 789-809.

Templeton A.R. 2008. Nested clade analysis: an extensively validated method for strong phylogeographic inference. Mol. Ecol. 17: 1877-1880.

Wiley, E. O. Lieberman, B. S. 2011. PHYLOGENETICS: Theory and Practice of Phylogenetic Systematics. Ed.: Wiley and Blackwell.