Forest Ecology Tandil 

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We are a research group in forestry beginning our activities in January 2012, focusing our studies from ecology, ecophysiology and ecohydrology of forests in rural and urban ecosystems. We are geographically located in the city of Tandil, Argentina, but our studies cover various forestry and agroforestry systems in our country. We belong to the National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET), with workplace at IPADS (INTA- CONICET), Tandil Office. Our purpose is to generate and disseminate knowledge about the sustainable use of trees and forests aiming to contribute to the development of productive systems, the conservation of natural systems and the adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change. Likewise, we intend to strengthen the base of human resources in research through the mentoring of students and young professionals, as well as through the delivery of training courses. We are members of the International Associated Laboratory FORESTIA between INTA and INRA (France) since 2018.


Our research interests include:

- Resource use and use efficiency by forest species

- Adaptability to environmental stress in forest species in urban and rural systems

- Trade-offs between productivity, stress resistance and wood quality (wood density)

- Development of mixed productive systems incorporating the forestry component into livestock or traditional agricultura

- Impact of forest plantations on water resources, soil salinity and emissions/sequestration of greenhouse gases

- Provision of ecosystem services by trees and forests in rural and urban environments

Who are we?

María Elena Fernández: I was born in Mar del Plata, Argentina, in 1973. I obtained a degree in Biological Sciences (UNMdP, 1997) and a PhD in Biology (UNComa, 2003). I went to the career of CONICET research scientist in 2005, now I am in the category of Principal Researcher. Chair of the Editors-in-Chief of the journal Forest Ecology and Management (Elsevier, The Netherlands).


Javier Enrique Gyenge: I was born in Córdoba, Argentina, in 1969. I studied the career of Biology (UNC, 1994) and a Ph.D. in Biology (UNComa, 2005). I went to the career of CONICET research scientist in 2006, now I am in the category of Principal Researcher. Associate Editor of the journal Forest Systems (INIA, España).


Lucía Mabel Delgado Vázquez: I was born in Tandil, Argentina, in 1992. I obtained a degree in Environmental Diagnosis and Management (FCH-UNICEN,2017). Nowadys, I am finishing my MSc in Landscape, environment and cities (FAU-UNLP, 2018) and doing my PhD in applied environmental sciences focusing my thesis in urban forests. 


Our group includes people working in IPADS Balcarce INTA-CONICET in Balcarce and Tandil cities. In the former city our collegues are Dr. Adriana Quiñones Martorello, Agr. Ing. Karen Moreno and Agr. Ing. Leonardo Sallesses. 

Graduate students or junior researchers under our advice:

Our students who have already completed their thesis or postdoctoral studies: