Educational Experience

Institute for Global Studies, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Teaching African Identities through Film, one week, 2015, created a guide to films discussed in relationship to the Minnesota Social Studies Standards.

E-Learning and Online Teaching Certificate, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2014.

Advanced Placement Summer Institutes, one week explorations of European History content and AP teaching methods: 2004, 2005, 2007, 2010

National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar, Industrial Revolution in Britain, one month, 2006

Master of Liberal Studies, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2005, Final project: Racialization of Space: Post-World War II Residential Segregation and the Reinvention of Whiteness.

My work in this interdisciplinary program focused on the factors responsible for increasing metropolitan racial segregation in the US in the years following WWII. I traced the institutionalized racism behind segregated housing and analyzed the implications of this for the construction of white racial identities. My final project and a Powerpoint presentation developed with an Anoka HS colleague for 10th grade US History can be downloaded here.

Bachelor of Arts, Luther College, 1989, major: political science; minors: history and mathematics

Hans Holbein's portrait of the Renaissance scholar Erasmus writing at a desk with a patterned curtain in the background.  Erasmus is depicted in profile wearing a square, black hat and a heavy brown robe.

Portrait of Erasmus, a model learner, above by Hans Holbein, 1523, oil and tempera on wood, Louvre. Wikimedia Commons.