EF Ultimate Rules

The East Fishkill Ultimate League has the following additions and variations from USAU rules:


Minimum players to play (and not forfeit) is 5 including at least one DoW.  If a team is short, our league has the tradition of good sportsmanship and we play matching numbers of players. For example, if a team is savage and has to drop to sixes due to injury, the opposing team will also drop to sixes instead of playing seven vs six. If both captains agree, it is permissible for rostered players in the league to guest with a short handed team, but guest players cannot count towards the minimum number of players to avoid forfeit.

Safety. East Fishkill Ultimate emphasizes safe play. With that in mind, we allow sidelines to call dangerous plays. We want to avoid injuries and dangerous plays. If a dangerous play occurs, we want it to be a coachable moment - whether it is an experienced player who is being too aggressive, or a newer player who may not know. If a player continues to make dangerous plays, they may be removed from the game or even removed from the league.

COVID guidelines - Be sure to READ and FOLLOW the USAU's current COVID return to play guidelines. These guidelines include social distancing,  mask wearing, and other safety requirements on the field and on the sidelines. If you have been recently exposed to COVID or if you are sick, stay home.

Players eligibility:

Length of Game: 


Conflict resolution - Conflicts are to be resolved according to the USA Ultimate rules. If there is a disagreement between parties that cannot be resolved in the spirit of the game, the team captains will discuss and resolve the issue. If a team captain is not attending, that team must designate their acting captain when discs are flipped before the opening pull so that there is no question on who is representing the team.  If a non-captain enters into the discussion, that player will politely be told to disengage by their captain.  If the player refuses to do so, their captain will remove them from the game.  If this does not occur or the player refuses, the offending team will forfeit the game. 

Gender equity - East Fishkill prefers to play 5-2 with two defenders of women (DoW) players on the field for each team.  If there are imbalanced numbers of defenders of women (DoW) players on the teams, those players from each team should discuss with each other how they prefer to handle equity during the game, and male players or defenders of anyone are expected to abide by their decision, including team captains. In those situations, either a gender end zone or offense dictates gender equity should be agreed upon before the pull of the disc. Note, to avoid forfeit, teams must have at least one rostered DoW in attendance, but they should not feel obligated to play an entire game without substitution.

Rule changes:   Local rule changes are made by majority vote of the captains.  If anyone wants to propose a rule change, they need to notify their captain.  If the captain agrees, they will propose it in writing to the other captains.  if the majority agree of the captains agree, the captains will be notified and then the rule will be immediately changed on the website to reflect the new rule. 

Ultimate Rules