Thursday, May 26, 2022

The second night of games in the summer 2022 season saw a trend emerging. Will it continue?

Blu Tang Clan played a solid game at 6PM, and Green Tea was slightly over-matcha'd. Final was 15-7 Blue.

In the middle game, Cloud 9 defeated Blood 14-10. However, Shmack was able to take some enjoyment in the loss, as Cloud 9 co-captain Royal-T ate dirt off her cleats. I'm sorry I missed it.

In the late game, Pinky Promise defeated Black Crows 10-7.

What was the trend, you ask? Well, there were actually two. First, the season has begun with Blu Tang, Cloud, and Pinky all unbeaten at 2-0, while Tea, Blood and Crows have yet to experience the taste of sweet, sweet victory. That trend cannot continue as the schedule will continue to mix things up. Second, the early games have started late, and games have been running long. That's not fair to the teams who play late. Please review the league's rules on hard cap, and do your best to be on time to games.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. Remember, no games on Monday, May 30. The Kiln is closed for the holiday, but there is some talk about possible pickup at Memorial Park in Beacon. Watch the Facebook group for details if that comes together. League games resume next Thursday, June 2nd.