Monday, September 19, 2022

An early thunderstorm before games was not enough to get our motivated captains to cancel. However, Black Pearl and White Claw agreed to change their early game to pickup due to the weather and expected light turnout. The pickup ended up being only 3 v 3 goaltimate, with a few subs arriving late as it got closer to time for the late game.

The late game matched the Juice with Galactic Eggplants and a couple of friends from the early game. The juice was flowing early, with orange taking half 8-4. The eggplants made a savory comeback in the second half, but couldn't put together a perfect baba ganoush. The final was 15-10, Juice.

The league jerseys arrived, and tonight's players got to take them for a spin on the field before taking them for a spin in the washing machine. To collect yours, see your team captain or their designated agent in charge of distribution.