Monday, October 24, 2017

Post date: Oct 25, 2016 1:41:58 AM

Blue defeated Green 16-6 in the early game. White had a light turnout again in the late game, but had enough players to avoid a forfeit. It still wasn't close, as a strong Black squad dismantled an understaffed White team 13-5. Trevor Thomas caught the final point one-handed as he was playing with a can of energy drink in the other hand.

Playoffs start this Thursday. Blue (2) vs Black (3) in the early game. White (1) vs Green (4) in the late game. If the games are postponed due to weather, the games will move to Halloween night, Monday, October 31, and the remainder of the playoff schedule will be pushed back accordingly.

Candy will be served on Halloween, and the wearing of costumes is encouraged... but it's still the playoffs. Wear something you can win in.