Sat 19th Feb '22

Great to have some different teams for this tournament with both UEA Men's and UEA Women's teams back playing, as well as Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Volleyball Club (GYGVC). In the Women's tournament Is It In? beat UEA in the final with Spikers Sparta beating CVC Tigers to third place. In the Men's tournament Spikers Chaos beat Norwich Spikers by one point and GNG Bedford with UEA to come third on the day. Full results and overall tables on the google sheets below. 

ERVS #4 19th Feb '22 Men's
ERVS #4 19th Feb '22 Women's

Don't forget the Covid rules, we used them for the January tournament and are likely to use them again in February...

1. Take a LFT on Sunday first thing, no more than a few hours before volleyball. Obviously do not come to volleyball if the test is positive, or if you have any COVID symptoms.

2. Sanitise hands and balls regularly throughout the day. Wipes and sanitiser will be on each score table. 

3. Avoid contact and mixing with other teams. We will not be changing ends and please keep your team’s bags in an area separate from other teams. At the end of the match, clap from the 3m line to show appreciation to the other team. 

4. Distance yourself, so you avoid getting 'close-up' or having any physical contact with teammates, where possible. 

5. No spectators, either in the hall or on the balcony. Exception being parents/carers of Under 16's, who can be on the balcony. Only those playing (or coaching) will be allowed in the hall. 

Also, there are changes from previous tournaments in that players can only play for ONE team on the day and teams must have SIX players on court at all times. If a team plays with five players (or less), then the game goes ahead but the team with less than six does not gain any points from the match. The Regional Tournament is a level up from Local League and should be using rules closer to NVL than Local League!

ERVS Structure & Schedule 19th Feb 22.docx