Earl's Estates is proud to have one of their own recognized and honored through the Mary Cavallo Earl Scholarship.   The Mary Cavallo Scholarship provides several scholarship awards that individuals may choose from.  These scholarship awards range from cash awards, tuition assistance, assistance with school fees, assistance with housing and or rent.    

    Earl's Estates has been funding other scholarships and fellowships for several years.  Earl's Estates is now providing their own scholarship in addition to funding these other scholarship and fellowship awards. 

    In 2017, Earl's Estates established and funded the Mary Cavallo Earl Scholarship.  Earl's Estates has several working relationships with other individuals, professionals, businesses, investors, entrepreneurs, etc. that are also honored to sponsor the Mary Cavallo Earl Scholarship.  

    Earl's Estates extends their appreciation to  Professionalized Services, Inc. for additionally sponsoring this scholarship making it more available to multiple individuals.       

About the Mary Cavallo Earl Scholarship

 Paul and Mary Cavallo were originally from Italy and immigrated to America to pursue the American Dream.  They eventually made their home in Huntington, Utah.  Paul and Mary Cavallo were entrepreneurs who made it work.  They established a legacy of entrepreneurship that would not only last for their children but for their posterity for generations to come.  Their daughter, Mary, was raised and taught successful business fundamentals from a very young age.

As a life long resident of Emery County, Mary graduated from North Emery High School and attended nursing school for two years.  Mary and George Earl were married July 12, 1941 in California and worked together at Douglas Aircraft Factory.  They returned to Huntington to open Earl's in 1946 and other business enterprises throughout their lives.  George and Mary were well known for helping anyone in need.  

Mary and George had three children.  In 1969 George and Mary lost one of their adult boys to an automobile accident.  Finding themselves aggrieved from this great loss, George and Mary managed to continue being successful in their business ventures and became even more generous to those suffering from losing a loved one.  Mary lost her husband in 1979.  Once again, facing the emotions of losing a loved one.  This time losing her husband and longtime business partner.  Mary continued to be a successful business woman, being involved in her community, served as President of the Chamber of Commerce, and was involved in many projects over the years. 

Mary enjoyed gardening, fishing, painting, ceramics, traveling worldwide, working her business, and spending time with her children and grandchildren.   In January 2008, Mary C. Earl was recognized by Professionalized Services, Inc. as an Honorary Angel Benefactress.  On Oct. 9, 2008, Mary C. Earl left this earth to join her true love, George, her beloved son, Randy, and her parents.  

Mary enjoyed a very successful life and accomplished anything she put her mind to.  Mary lived a very successful, wealthy, and prestigious life.  All the while, maintaining a humble and modest lifestyle.  Mary helped those that were truly in need.   For example, this story was told directly to Professionalized Services (in 2008) by the Mother of this family and one of her children who was then in his 50's.  There was a local young family with many children.  The entrepreneur Father was working on the family farm and doing his best in starting, building, and working his own new business.  The Mother was doing her best to feed their children and family, with the very little money that they had.  This Mother went to the local grocery store, taking all of her children with her, to buy a couple of the basic necessities that their family needed to survive.  This local grocery store was owned by George and Mary C. Earl.  The Mother brought a couple of necessities to the counter to check out and purchase these items.  Mary C. Earl looked at the few items on the counter and asked this Mother if this was all today.  The Mother said yes.  Mary bagged the items and then took that same bag with her as she walked around the grocery store placing additional items in the bag.  When that bag was full, Mary placed that bag on the counter and grabbed another bag and continued filling that bag with items needed to feed a family with many children.  Once that bag was full, Mary placed the second bag with the first bag that was already on the counter.  Mary went back around the counter, as if to check the customer out.  Mary slid both full bags across the counter toward the Mother and said "Thank you for coming in.".  The Mother stood at the counter in utter confusion and told Mary that she did not have money enough to pay for the items in the bags.  The Mother went on to say that she only had money enough for the couple of items she selected and she would only be able to pay for those couple of items.  Mary's response to this young Mother, was it has already been paid for.  The young Mother informed Mary that she has not even paid for the couple of items that she selected.  Mary, again informed this Mother that it has already been paid for and again slid the two full bags of groceries closer to the Mother.  Mary went on and asked the many children, with the Mother, if they would like a piece of candy.  All the children immediately answered Yes.  The Mother immediately responded to her children saying No.  Mary then informed the Mother that the candy has also already been paid for.  Mary handed each child a piece of candy and again thanked them for coming in and shopping.  

    This Mother, now in her 80's, went on to tell, Professionalized Services, the rest of the story.  This Mother started her morning with her kids crying because they were hungry, farming crops were lost, the new business was having a very difficult start and was not making any money, and she had no idea when they would have money to buy food.  That is why the Mother went to buy a couple of the basic necessities just to get something in the bellies of her children.  During the walk to the grocery store, the Mother was thinking, through all her recipes, of something she could make to feed her starving family.  This Mother, then told that she cried the entire walk home, carrying all the groceries.  The Mother informed that Mary helped their young family on several occasions each time telling the Mother that "it has already been paid for.".  

The Mother said that she knew her family was in need and very poor but, Mary C. Earl never looked down on her.  In fact, it was the opposite.  Mary treated her with the utmost respect and the same as other paying customers.  The Mother stated "Mary never made me feel poor".  The Mother went on to say, "from Mary's compassion, charity, and self sacrifice, this Mother promised herself that if she ever had any money or was able to help another young family she would, just like Mary C. Earl helped her and her young family.".         

One Child, now in his 50's, reported that he remembered Mary always giving them candy.  The Mother went on to say, that if it was not for Mary C. Earl their young family would not have made it and their business would have failed.  From Mary's generosity, the Father was able to pursue and build his business.  This family business was built and had now even carried on to the third generation of this family.  This business became very successful and grew to employ hundreds of highly trained and skilled employees.  

This business, just as the young Mother promised, is well known for helping those in need, donating, providing service, etc.  The example and legacy of Mary C. Earl lives on today.   

Earls Estates and Professionalized Services will continue to honor and respect Mary C. Earl to ensure her example and legacy lives on as we present the Mary Cavallo Earl Scholarship year after year for generations to come.

Through the Mary Cavallo Earl scholarship, Earl's Estates, Professionalized Services, and others are proud to assist individuals in their pursuit of a life career by allowing them an opportunity to receive this scholarship that varies from cash, tuition assistance, assistance with school fees/books, assistance in housing and or rent.  

The Mary Cavallo Earl scholarship is designed specifically to award any deserving student that is deserving and desirous to further their education.  Those desirous to receive this scholarship will need to complete the application and prepare a one (1) page essay as to why they should be the recipient of this scholarship. 

For high school students, the scholarship application and essay will need to be received/post marked by March 1st.  This will allow for a timely work through prior to any awards recognition ceremony.   

Please complete and email your application and essay to the following email address:

If you are interested in applying for the Mary Cavallo Earl Scholarship please click on this link, or the above links.


Once the application and essay are received the reviewing 

committee select the finalists. The finalists will be comprised of the top three (3) winning essays.  Once the top three applicants have been selected, each finalist will be supplied with a story problem or assignment in which they are to solve, perform, and or explain. The finalists will then submit their solution, findings, and explanation to the story problem or assignment, to the committee for review. The committee will then review the solutions, findings, and explanations and declare the scholarship recipient.  

Once the committee declares the scholarship recipient(s), the committee will then issue a certificate to the recipient(s) identifying the scholarship award. In addition to the certificate, the Committee will also provide specific instructions, to the recipient(s), that they will need to follow in order to redeem their certificate. The recipient(s) will need to follow and abide by any and all of the Committee's instructions, rules, procedures, etc. prior to redeeming their certificate and receiving the scholarship award.  If, for any reason, any recipient fails to comply with the Committee's instructions, rules, and procedures for the scholarship, the recipient will forfeit their scholarship award and the scholarship certificate will then be awarded to any runner up.