In Nuce (2011) by Ricardo Ribeiro. Premiered by Gilberto Bernardes at Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo do Porto, Portugal, 31-03-2011.

In Limine (2011) by Ricardo Ribeiro. Premiered by the Sond'Ar-te Electric Ensemble at Centro Cultural de Cascais, Portugal, 02-12-2011.

Schizophonics (2012) by Rui Dias. Festival Manobras, Porto, Portugal, 05-10-2012.

Dialogismos I (2012) by Nuno Peixoto de Pinho. Premiered by Gilberto Bernardes at Maus Hábitos, Porto, Portugal, 12-10-2012 (integrated in the musical program of the ISMIR Conference)

Dialogismos II (2012) by Nuno Peixoto de Pinho.

Your Feet (2012) by Nuno Peixot0 de Pinho. Premiered by Rita Redshoes and Nuno Aroso at CCB.

A Passos de Naufragio (2013) by Nuno Peixoto de Pinho.

Urban Sonic Impression (2013) by Rui Dias and Gilberto Bernardes. Sound installation. Presented at Future Places Festival, Porto, 28-10-2013 (check the video below at 4'53'' for a sneak peek of the installation).

URB - WE THE CITIZENS from jasg on Vimeo.

Eppur si muove! de Isabel da Rocha (peça composta no âmbito da disciplina de Análise e Síntese de Som com orientação do Rui Penha na Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo do Porto).

Porto Actors (2015), an audiovisual installation/system resulting from a collaboration between Peter Beyls, Gilberto Bernardes and Marcelo Caetano.