2015. Bernardes, G., Davies, M., Guedes, C.. "A Pure Data Spectro-Morphological Toolkit for Sound-Based Composition". Proceedings of the Electroacoustic Winds, Aveiro, PT.

2015. Beyls, P., Bernardes, G., Caetano, M. "The Emergence of Complex Behavior as an Organizational Paradigm for Concatenative Sound Synthesis" Proceedings of the xCoAx Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

Bernardes, G. (2014). "Composing Music by Selection: Content-Based Algorithmic-Assisted Audio Composition." PhD dissertation, University of Porto — Faculty of Engineering.

Bernardes, G., Davis, M. E. P., Guedes, C., & Pennycook, B. (2014). "Considering Roughness to Describe and Generate Vertical Musical Structure in Content-Based Algorithmic-Assisted Audio Composition." Proceedings of the Joint International Computer Music and Sound and Music Computing Conference.

Bernardes, G (2014). "Beyond Music Information Retrieval: A Proposed Model for Automatic Generation of Dialogic Music." Workshop Narrativa, Média e Cognição. Braga, Portugal.

Bernardes, G., Guedes, C., & Pennycook, B. (2013). "EarGram: An application for interactive exploration of concatenative sound synthesis in Pure Data." In M. Aramaki, M. Barthet, R. Kronland-Martinet, & S. Ystad (Eds.), From sounds to music and emotions (pp. 110-129). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Bernardes, G., Guedes, C., and Pennycook, B. (2012). "EarGram: an Application for Interactive Exploration of Large Databases of Audio Snippets for Creative Purposes." Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR), London, UK.

(Video of the presentation)

Bernardes, G., Peixoto de Pinho, N., Lourenço, S., Guedes, C., Pennycook, B., Oña, E.. (2012) "The Creative Process Behind Dialogismos I: Theoretical and Technical Considerations." Proceedings of the ARTECH 2012 - 6th International Conference on Digital Arts. Algarve, Portugal.

For my (Gilberto Bernardes) complete list of publications please refer to the following link.